Sub-FTP user on Windows

My sub-FTP user account on Windows looses access every couple months. I need to have a restricted FTP account for a client, and of course I cannot create them directly - I had to open a ticket to have it built. But every few months, the account seems to be removed.

This has been going on a long time, and each time I notice it, I submit a ticket with details, and ask why it keeps happening and how to make sure it doesn't happen again. In the ticket response I only get back something like "It's fixed now, please try again."

See tickets:

How should I do this? I need to have a reliable solution for this client, and this doesn't seem to be working out.

On my latest ticket, I just got the following reply:


It's fixed. Please check it.


Ok, I agree, I just checked, and it's fixed. My question is simple: how do I keep it fixed? This makes five times now. What is deleting the account?

It is not being deleted, it is losing permissions, hsphere does a permissions reset when you take certain actions(not exactly sure WHICH ones to be honest) and deletes them for the user(permissions)
Ok, it looks like we agree - this will happen again in the future. We don't know when or why.

So, I need a creative idea about how I can give my client restricted FTP access to a Windows server, and not lose permissions every few months.

Any suggestions?
