Ticket centre status


Staff member
hi guys.

im wondering if someone can let me know. ive looked in the help pages/ searched the forums etc. but nothing

is this for just Jodohost or are us resellers able to put tickets on hold, resolved, need more info etc. for our clients.

ive looked everywhere and can't see any details to confirm either way?
i have read that page, but the first image i can't see the real version of that.

i am the administrator.
when in the ticket administration section i am in as a administration account that was set up when the account was set up...

as i said i can't see the section bellow at all or find it

I want to explain you the things here :
To reply user's ticket you go to control panel > support center > ticket administration
So after replying their ticket you just need to change the status of the ticket, to do so
submit your reply > change status from drop down menu in "status" and click on "change" . This will change the status of the ticket as you required.

I hope, this is what you want.
sorry to be a pain.. i just set a ticket from one of my accounts and then looked in ticket administration..

and saw the ticket.. i could not see the drop down section then.

i then assigned it to my self by pick ing it up.

i then still couldn't see it

i then replied to the message and after it added the reply i still couldn't se it i have a screen shot of what i have on the screen after i recieve a ticket. the top section remains the same throughout the ticket, within all the stages.

can someone confirm that im just missing/ not doing a part im ment to. ive been loking arund and around but can't get any further. i can't seem to see that section at all.

thanx in advanced
The top section as in the lastest tickets/recent tickets?
That only shows if ther are multiple tickets from X user.
im sorry to be such a pain. im not to good at this yet. i can reply to tickets etc. but i can't see t esection within the image in the 3rd post above.. (where it has sassign etc).

from what you just said did you mean that image. and it wont bee viable unless they have multiple tickets within the system

as i had 2 tickets made froim the 1 user and it still didn't show... the scree ngrab is an example of what it is like (thought out every stage of a ticket).

before, reading a ticket, after repply, after assinging it, and un assigning it to myseld (pick up). and after re assigning it.... what ever i try i can not see the sectiuon within the 3rd mesage, im sorry to be a pain..
There have been somemajor changes since hsphere 2.3 that screenshot looks like 2.3 to me, the 2.4 ticket system doesn't have as much control as the older one.

Checking to see if that is the issue or not.