upsizing from Access


hi guys

i have an Access DB that has grown quite a bit, and i have a feeling that its time to upsize it to a MS SQL db.
the thing is that i have never worked with MSSQL before and i need a hand with the steps to be taken.
i dont have SQL or enterprise installed so i dont know what the procedure is.

i'm using an extension of an old WWG forum (i think round 6.1) and i know it can somehow be used for MSSQL as well, but i'm not sure if there are any changes beyond the common.asp that have to be made. so if anyone has anything to add on this, that will be an extra bonus.

Did you check to see if there is a tool they provide to upgrade.

In Access there is a toold to upsize but there are some slight differences and it might be better to use a tool that is provided by the vendor of the application so that you have less work to do.

Just a thought.
thanks Yorri.
they dont have a tool (and since they changed their forum, the support really sucks).

but the questions is something i want to look into, regardless of this particular app. ie: whats changes would have to be made in the asp code etc.... in addition to the actual upsize process.

Well the biggest differences you will face are the differences in data types. I wouldn't want to have to change the forums asp code to match it.

Honestly I would probably go with the sql version of the same code so that you wouldn't have to deal with all the changes. The problem from there would be migrating the data. I find it very odd that there isn't a migration tool. I thought I did see one for wwf but it may have been created by someone else but it would have been on their forums that I found this.
yep, there was one that was created by someone else, but it only works for 6.34 i think ad not previous versions. :(
generally there are not too many changes you have to make.

Obviously the connection string but also datatypes. There are also a few other minor differences such as Access using True and False whereas MSSQL uses 0 and 1. There may be other minor changes like that but I don't have a comprehensive list of them. It would be great if someone has put this together and/or would put this together.

Maybe we can do a search on the internet to find someone who has already done this for us??? I haven't had a need to do that yet sorry.
If your version of WWF supports MSSQL just change the strDatabaseType variable/constant in common.asp and admin/common.asp from Access to SQLServer.

then you open admin/sql_server_connection.asp and fill in the required information

post a ticket in your control panel asking them to move all your data from your database to the sql server.

you also have to create the stored procedures if WWF used that in 6.1.
please tell me if you need some help with it.

BTW, the reason why the forum changed was because Bruce aka -boRg-, the only developer and the only member of the support team got the same questions sometimes several times a day. the users who asked were told to search and they rather started to send him threats and complaints by email. it took all his time and he got really tired of it.
and also, WWF is free and no one have ever said you would get support on it without paying the small yearly fee for email support.
Please don't take this as an offence, rather information :)
hey dirtbag (no offense!)

thanks for the reply.

thanks for the info about the forum. i really dont know whether that version used stored procedures. how can i check that out? i do have the sql_conn file you mentioned, but no setup file that came in later versions...
thanks for offering your help. it would be great if Jodo could upsize it for me. i'll open a ticket and ask.

about WWF(/G?) - yes, i know the troubles that bruce has been going thru in the last while. i didnt mean to be mean to bruce. i mylself have been there for about 2 years, i try help out on the forums, am a mod-maker and have offered bruce my help too on occasions.... anyhoo - v6 went out looooong ago and there's no info there on it anymore. i think there must be a better way than the setup borg has gone for now. when trying to contact him there ain't even a way to find out that he has received your pm/mail. if you have a direct line o him, let him know that the setup makes it difficult for the longer standing members to keep up. i dont even know whether he has setup a system to un-moderate some users. even when you post a reply - it still gets sent to moderation....

anyway.. thanks again for your help on this.
Hi again....
just found all the original stuff (phew! - on a backup CD!).
the only thing is that i have 2 versions - 6.12 and 6.26 and i'm not sure which one i used...

how can i take you up on your offer? should i send you both full versions?

could you PM me your email?

thanks again!
just edit common.asp on line 118/119 and admin/common.asp on line 78/79 where you see
'Database Type
 strDatabaseType = "Access"
 'strDatabaseType = "SQLServer"
and fill in the details in admin/sql_server_connection.asp

run sql_server_setup.asp and your database is ready!

the ask jh if they can move the data from your access database to the sql server database. tell em to delete the TABLES (only the tables) if they have to