Where is register_globals set?

Hi Folks,

I am trying to setup and run a cron job for a social application (Boonex Dolphin) on a Unix server.

I am continuously getting this error: register_globals is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)

I have an .htacess file in the web root and it is set to:

php_flag register_globals Off

So I am not sure what else I need to do in order to avoid the error. Is there something on the server that overrides this setting and forces register_globals to be on? Is there something else I can do to fix this? Is it something I need from support?

This may or may not be it but make sure you have one space between php_flag register_globals and Off. Not tabs.

I setup a Drupal site at JodoHost and it wasn't recognizing part of .htaccess until I replaced tabs with a space. Even if it looks like a space, delete it and add it back.
Thanks for the reply tetranz

Unfortunately nothing has worked for me. I will try contacting support.

I did setup a phpinfo.php file and it shows me that register_globals is set to "off" for the local value but shows "on" for the master value. So I am guessing that the master value is somehow overriding the local value..but that is just a guess. (the local value is set to off as a result of the .htaccess file)

Thanks again!