Where's the space gone?


I'm trying to figure out how one of my customers has used up some much of his disk space.

He has a summary allocation of 60MB. I had estimated he had used about 12MB for his website, and to confirm that, I downloaded his entire account by FTP. It actually turned out to be 14.3MB made up of 145 directories and 1625 files.

However, he is constantly getting notices that he has exceeded his summary quota. For example today he received an email containing this:
Summary quota account:xxxxxxx has used 61.88 MB out of 60 MB limit
When he examines his usage through the control panel he sees:
MySQL Database for user MySQL Database: 5.82
Mail for domain userdomain.com: 9.04
User account for user username: 50.629448
What could possibly cause the discrepancy between our calculation of 14.3MB and the systems calculation of 50.63MB?

To confound the issue even further, when he accesses the file manager through the control panel, it reports 44552KB in use - 73% of available space.

Can any help explain why these differences?
summary quota includes Email and databases did you count all the accounts and DBs?
See first post -
Database: 5.82MB
Mail: 9.04MB
Website: 14.3MB (including logs, webalizer, cp, etc)

Unless there's been a change in arithmetic since I went to school, that doesn't reach anything like 61.88MB
A thought has just occurred to me (I do think every now and again):

Is what is being reported, the sum of the size of the files or the space consumed by all the files. I notice that almost 600 of the files are less than 1KB in size, and a little over 1000 are less than 4KB. What's the disk block size on web7?
Just used the "Account Backups" option I've recently added to the plan option.

After downloading the back-up and restoring it on a local computer, I discover its total file size is 14.1 MB (14,812,998 bytes), while its total size on disk is 18.0 MB (18,886,656 bytes).

However the user's control panel reports:
MySQL Database for user MySQL Database 5.82MB
Mail for domain userdomain.com 8.321304MB
User account for user username 49.084785MB
and File Manager reports 73% of available space used (approx 44MB). Still can not make the figures tally ?(

[edited to remove customer info]
Log files are also included in his usage as are any files stored outside of his web root. Have you included those? (Seems unlikely to add up to the missing usage...)

When I did an FTP download of the customer's site, it was done from the account root and not the web root. It included the CP, log directories, hidden files etc, and accounted for an additional 0.3 MB. It certainly does not account for the discrepancies I find.

By adding the total disk space from the account root, plus the space consumed by stored email plus the space consumed by his the MySQL database, I get 14.4 + 9.1 + 4.8 = 28.3 MB. Yet the system reports Summary quota as 61.9 MB - more than double what I calculate 8o ?(
It works on an averages system, meaning if one day in 30 days was more, then it will count, you check check what it thinks is the CURRENT usage in the FTP section it will say "X used of X"
It says
44 MB used out of 60 MB in unlimited files
Still can't get it to add up..

I note that the Transfer FTP is
18.1 MB used (since Apr 4, 2007)
This includes a complete download of the site from the account root (not the document root) and another download of just the CMS directories.

The total file size of the site varies very little day-to-day. Those variations are limited to the cache directory. It hovers around the 1 MB in size and changes by less than 100 KB.

Likewise, the size of the MySQL database, and mailboxes remain very stable in size. I've been monitoring them several times a day over recent weeks. So I still don't know how the figures are arrived at :(
Have you had a file restored at any point? Sometimes if an archive is on the partition that is chowned to the user it can count in the quota, is that is the case then mail over to the desk and let them check that as well.