WIN10 - DNN Site

Using DNN 3.1.1 on Win10.

One of the things that I seem to experience regularly on DNN is what appears to be random times where you sit forever after going to a page. Not a minute or two, but literally 5 minutes if you let it sit.

Just for example... tonight I am uploading about 20 containers individually. After 3 or 4 uploads when I go to do the next one it seems to hang. I can cancel and retry, but nothing. After a few mintues or if I go to some other pages and then come back it will let me do it again. Here is the only thing I notice. I see this in the log viewer.

Date Log Type Username Portal Summary
4/11/2006 9:53:18 PM Application Started Server Name: ABJH-WIN10
4/11/2006 9:52:48 PM Application Shutting Down Server Name: ABJH-WIN10
4/11/2006 9:50:26 PM Application Started Server Name: ABJH-WIN10

You see this pattern over and over throughout the log. It is as if the Application is starting and then shutting down after a couple of minutes and then starts again.

What the heck will cause it to shutdown so quickly. I am not changing anything that I am aware of. Yes I am uploading containers, but I wouldn't think that would cause this.

Any ideas? This happens to all the dnn sites I have.


I just experienced the long, long wait again on 2 of the domains we worked on from last night. It took about 3 to 5 minutes before I could get them to finally load the home page.

The other ones were loading fine. Not sure why it takes so long for this to load when things seem to go whacko.
Yash said:
At the moment, they are loading fast. Stephen will be available shortly to look into ur issue

Yes, after about 3 to 5 minutes of trying to get it to load it finally loaded. Now it loads quickly. But there must be some sort of problem, because even if the application stopped due to inactivity (normally I have something hitting the site every 10 minutes) the site should still load back up in less than 30 seconds for a full start.

Anyway, I'll continue working on things until stephen is available.

Ok, is this version of DNN the latest stable one?
If the ASP.NET application crashes, it certainly can take that much of time to revive..
Yash said:
Ok, is this version of DNN the latest stable one?
If the ASP.NET application crashes, it certainly can take that much of time to revive..

It is 3.1.1 which should be a stable release. The 3.2.x do have a few quirks that I know of.
The monitoring shows only one page load missed in one minute intrevals at about the time you had a problem here, I will see why this could have happened, it really sounds like the pool recycled, but it should not have caused a timeout in the process.
Stephen said:
The monitoring shows only one page load missed in one minute intrevals at about the time you had a problem here, I will see why this could have happened, it really sounds like the pool recycled, but it should not have caused a timeout in the process.

It is definitely strange. Even during a recycle or if the application has shutdown I still wouldn't expect several minutes to get things to run again. Very strange.

I look forward to hearing back from you once you have some thoughts on what it might be.

No it should not take too long, I am using other DNN on win10 and it comes up in 10 seconds or less even after a recycle
Stephen said:
No, I am using other DNN on win10 and it comes up in 10 seconds or less even after a recycle

I understand that is what you are seeing at the moment, but when this happens it does take several minutes to get things to come up. A couple of the DNN sites come up quick and then a couple take several minutes of trying.

Something is happening... I just don't know what. I do use the keepalive.asx running in a browser so the application should not shutdown as this should be keeping it running.

I am just worried as we start putting people on the system that the problem will show its ugly self and create a very poor user experience.
What I mean is, I can force a recycle on other sites and not see this matter come up.

There is one domain on win13 having a similar issue it had xmod installed, but even after removal it seemed to display this trait.

Even with keepalive going, the pool WILL recycle. It takes on most DNN 3.x about 10-12 seconds to load the first time after a pool recycle.
Stephen said:
What I mean is, I can force a recycle on other sites and not see this matter come up.

There is one domain on win13 having a similar issue it had xmod installed, but even after removal it seemed to display this trait.

Even with keepalive going, the pool WILL recycle. It takes on most DNN 3.x about 10-12 seconds to load the first time after a pool recycle.

If I recall you have the recycle set at every 12 hours... I can live with that and if I am using the keepalive or another method then I really shouldn't notice any slow loads.... and if I did once in a blue moon I could live with the 10 to 12 seconds. It's that several minutes problem that bites.

I will keep monitoring and try to notify right when it is happening.
