Win13 responding slow - resolved

Re: Win13 responding slow

Hsphere was using up the memory hspehre hanging parsing one cleints logs we have given the client that is causing notice
Re: Win13 responding slow

We will have to reboot the server to fully resolve the issue here. :(
Re: Win13 responding slow

We tried to do a proper reboot on this after all other means failed to kill the process using all the RAM due to the log parsing. It started to work properly but hung. win13 will be back up fully in the next 30 seconds. the site that caused this matter has been given notice that they are beyond limits of shared hosting some 30 hours back, we did not expect it to come to this point however in parsing the logs for them, we knew it was hanging sometimes but it used well over 1GB trying to parse the logs this time and caused the whole server to go down/so slow it was unresponsive about 20 minutes back.
Re: Win13 responding slow

Server is up, and I am working to find why it became unresponsive, but it looks that the process hit the single process 32bit memory limit and became highly unstable. We are working to prevent this from happening in the future.