Win16 not responding

i am here at the datacenter checking it now. issue is odd, it is a hardware machine and can hear POST but cannot see anything, it looks like the network starts to come up (it is seen at the low levels) then it never comes up, but the video doesn't come up either.
I moved it to the work bench and we worked perfectly fine no errors no problems, got into windows, issued a proper shutdown.

Now I move it back to the rack and it is in a rebooting loop loading windows partially and rebooting itself.
ok got that in control, now windows is up, network is up, and I am going to start the plans to move this upgrading Windows in the process as well, since it is in need up an upgrade too.
Ok network came up, but other services, including even the most basic like mouse and keyboard are not working once the GUI loaded, this is a very odd issue!