Win18 - cluster 1 - problems

I noticed a site on Win18, cluster 1, seemed to be down this morning.

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

The file manager from the control panel also casues brings up this error.

Trying to run stats from the control panel prduces a couple of different errors:
HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbidden: Execute access is denied.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to server configuration.
Internet Information Services (IIS)

Were the some updates or patches applied over the weekend that caused this?

BTW - The site is running Joomla, and I've been meaning to move it to a Linux/Unix server, I guess now is the time!
I don't know if this was actually fixed BEFORE I posted here or not...if not, it was awfully close!

It seems like every time I post a question or problem it's solved nearly before I can even explain what's going on! It's almost like JodoHost is right here at my desk....

We have fixed it. There was several perl process running. Which were causing some CGI error. We have corrected them.
Thanks for the quick response!

It looks like the site is back up and running - and the file manger from the control panel also looks like it's working.

However, the stats from the control panel still produce the 403.1 and 401.2 error messages.

The page cannot be displayed
You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.
We are checking that, the AWStats is perl, and that seems to be having an issue on a few things now, it may be a bit longer, the sites are working well which is the main thing at the moment.
...the sites are working well which is the main thing at the moment
Yes, definitely the main issue! Thanks for getting them up!

Also, it seem that both Webalizer and AWStats are not functioning - I don't know if that helps run down the problem. They are both throwing different error messages. Webalizer = 403.1 and AWStats = 401.2
You will be getting a reply shortly, trying to debug things we can tell webalizer and awstats working fine directly, if only errors on login we may need to search elsewhere, so if you could answer that we will see what we can tell from there.
Still the same errors - I replied under the trouble ticket with the logins.

I did try on different browsers/computers to make sure it was not a local issue.

This could be an unrelated issue, I have NOT checked the stats since the first week of October.
Still the same errors - I replied under the trouble ticket with the logins.

I did try on different browsers/computers to make sure it was not a local issue.

This could be an unrelated issue, I have NOT checked the stats since the first week of October.
What you have provided is what we need, there is some issue in authentication engine only, as we can disable that for a moment and it works properly.