Win2 Maintenance - 11PM EST


Daed: December 14, 2005

We are going to be taking down Win2 for 20 to 30 minutes at 11PM EST, today. This brief maintenance period will be used to check Win2's metabase for issues as well as the server's network interface. The server is experiencing brief slow down intervals and we are looking to isolate the issue
Win2 going down for a moment as per scheduled maintenance

I am working on win2 at the moment
Re: Win2 going down for a moment as per scheduled maintenance

Almost done, one quick metabase check now.
Re: Win2 going down for a moment as per scheduled maintenance

The metabase looked good, and the NIC was good, of note is that the long down period on the IPCheck system is becuase I paused monitoring during the work time, so that we would not continue getting multiple emails, it was down during this time, but the pause was for our on sanity, as we knew the server was down.