Win2 slow than Win15?


Does anyone have experience with sites on both these servers?

I (being the reseller account), is hosted on Win2, and a client is hosted on Win15.

My sites always seem slow to respond, however client sites seem pretty quick. As an example, we both run PunBB message boards (he runs 1, I run 2 on 2 domains), and mine both seem really sluggish.

Is there anyway of moving all my sites to the fastest server available, or at least one with less load than Win2 seems to have?
Win2 load is quite low but we can mvoe it send a ticket, there may be a $10 fee in some cases. (Win2 is one of 3 Dual Xeon 3.0ghz that we have, we quickly phased out this line of servers due to linux incompatibilities on the motherboard and went with AMD CPus at only 1.8 to 2.4 ghz, the AMDs are faster as servers in every way)
Hi Stephen,

Please could you take a look at this ticket - ACS-47496-772

All my sites have gone down. To be honest, I'm sick of either sites going slow or, mainly in the past, sites going down altogether.

We had some server CPU abuse which caused this, and i have replied to your ticket already.