Win2 - Unavailable


Dated: October 5, 2005

Win2 has been down for the last 15 minutes. It is unresponsive on terminal services as well as KVM. We are looking into the issue and are hopeful to bring it up ASAP
There was a disk write error during the backup process and it rebooted and went into chkdsk, there were no errors and I was able to bring it back online shortly thereafter.
Cheers Stephen! Do the backups slow the server down any? It evidently occurs at around 2PM our time, so just wondering if it has any effect.
They add about a 20% cpu load for the duration of the backup, which ranges from 20-50 minutes, but overall they do not have many problems, in fact on windows this is the first error that I could attribute to the backup software (the new software, the old that we still run as a backup to the backups causes more load, but it only run once a week now).