Maintenance Window
Time:11:30pm-12:01am EDT Thursday Oct 19 (GMT-4)
Servers: Win20
Reason: Win20 was just launched but we found out it was not put in the proper location in the cage at the datacenter. The server is being turned off for up to 10 minutes while being moved to the correct location. This will happen between 11:30pm and 12:01AM tonight, all times Eastern Daylight, GMT-4.
Time:11:30pm-12:01am EDT Thursday Oct 19 (GMT-4)
Servers: Win20
Reason: Win20 was just launched but we found out it was not put in the proper location in the cage at the datacenter. The server is being turned off for up to 10 minutes while being moved to the correct location. This will happen between 11:30pm and 12:01AM tonight, all times Eastern Daylight, GMT-4.