Win7 IP and server migration


APAC Operations
Staff member
We will perform migration of the Win7 server starting on Sunday Jan 02, 2011 at 2 AM CST. This move is from the Miami Datacenter to the Waco Datacenter, and involves a change, and upgrade in hardware along the way.
The move will involve a change an IP addresses, and therefore a DNS change. If you use a 3rd party DNS, it will need to be updated. We will keep the old Win7 server IPs up for 72 hours, and after this the old win7 server IIS will be disabled.
In case of any queries, please contact our support team.
Some customers may have received two identical notices. One was sent with incorrect year (yeah, to some of us it still feel like 2010 :) ), and later email was repeated with year corrected to 2011. There is no other change in both emails. We apologize for any confusion caused.
This is still in process. We apologize for keeping control panel unavailable for this long.
When this was planned we did not expect the CP down portion to be a significant amount of time such as this, we have done similar before and they did not take this long, but a number of items have changed with the new version. None of the windows tools work(being reported) and using the linux tools are changed up significantly such that a large amount of it is done with the control panel offline instead of online now.
There are sites that have been live over on the new win7 since about 4:30AM Central time, there are still users hitting the older server at the same time. We will again be keeping both running with the old Win7 IIS running until Wednesday morning. At this point we will disable IIS, and you will need to ensure DNS is changed with any 3rd party services by that time.
the old server Win7 IIS is being stopped tonight at about 9pm Central time.