Windows Server Reboot this Weekend


US Operations
Staff member
Various windows servers will be rebooted Satuday night between 10pm and 12pm

The following will be rebooted to apply updates, and others may as well, we will post a notice before rebooting them if needed, but the following will be rebooted:

I will be removing the debugging tools that Win2 has installed during this process as well.
As an update:
winCF will not be rebooted, Win5, Win6, MSSQL1 and MSSQL2 will be rebooted as part of this process.
Win6 is undergoing an unexpected scandisk. We are allowing this to run. We expect it to be back up in 15min
Win5 is on loading IIS now, mail4 is having an issue and I am needing to focus my attention to that server for a moment.
Win11 and Win12 will be rebooting within 5 minutes, I got delayed a bit with the mail4 issue.
Win12 did not reboot when we told it too, I am logigng in now at the console to check.
MSSQL4 and MSSQL5 will be next, MSSQL4 will be rebooting within 5 minutes. MSSQL5 is being rebooted now.
MSSQL4 and MSSQL5 reboots are complete.
MSSQL4 is a bit behind still being windows 2000 it is taking a bit longer to boot up, but it is on the way.