WinVPS Scheduled Maintenance, all WinVPS Servers


US Operations
Staff member
Maintenance Window
Time:3am-3:45am EDT Saunday, Oct 15 (GMT-4)
Servers: WinVPS1, WinVPS2, WinVPS3
Reason: Install updates for windows and Virtuozzo Hotfixes.
Each VPS may be down up to 25 minutes during this maintenance.
WinVPS1 is being rebooted first as part of this maintenance. It will be rebooting in the next 5 minutes.
There was a minor issue in winvps2 coming up, it is coming up right now. WinVPS3 will be restarted next in the next 5 minutes.
All WinVPS1 services have been up for the last 10 minutes.
WinVPS2 is nearly fully started up for all VPS servers, WinVPS3 is back up on windows and VPSes are starting now.
All servers are fully up.
All WinVPS2 and WinVPS3 VPSes are up, winvps3 came up very fast as it only had a couple services installed.

Maintenance Complete.