WordPress Permalink URL Rewriting

I need to have the ability to use permalink URL rewriting in WordPress. I know that support won't go as far as installing an ISAPI extension to support this functionality, but will they consider modifying a php.ini setting for specifically PHP-based sites running WordPress instead?

Please see the below article for greater detail:


Thanks Stephen! :)

For future reference, I was able to get permalink URL rewriting working in WordPress by creating a php.ini at my domain root with the following configuration:

cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
cgi.force_redirect = 0
Can I get more info about this? I am trying to set up Wordpress with permalinks.

I created a php.ini file with just the two lines posted above in it, is that correct? Then I uploaded it to the root directory where my wordpress install is.

What settings do I need to use in my Wordpress Admin to get this to work? Thanks.
yes it will work on windows server as well. You will have to place that file under your site root.
Thanks pratikvavadia! I got it to work :)

Can I get more info about this? I am trying to set up Wordpress with permalinks.

I created a php.ini file with just the two lines posted above in it, is that correct? Then I uploaded it to the root directory where my wordpress install is.

What settings do I need to use in my Wordpress Admin to get this to work? Thanks.

Here's what I did to get it to work:

1. Submit a ticket to jodo and tell them which domain you need the php.ini file. They'll put it there.

2. The file already has those settings but they are commented out, so just un-comment them.

3. In Wordpress go to [Options > Permalinks ] and there you can set your structure.

Using Permalinks ? WordPress Codex

on how to set it.

Also, since you're using IIS, your structure will need a /index.php/ in front of it. Unless you want to dabble in that 404-rewriting thing ( Keyboard Face ? Wordpress Permalinks in IIS using Custom 404 Redirect )

Good luck!
Unless you want to dabble in that 404-rewriting thing ( Keyboard Face ? Wordpress Permalinks in IIS using Custom 404 Redirect )

Has anyone used the asp 404 rewrite sucessfully on Jodohost? It seems simple enough, so I downloaded the files and changed my 404 like requested, but now when trying to follow a link I get: "The request is not supported." It seems something in the asp file is not allowed by the host? I know nothing about asp, so don't ask me to code.

I submitted a ticket for the php.ini file and haven't heard anything.

It is frustrating to see how little jodohost cares about search engine marketing. :(
I submitted a ticket for the php.ini file and haven't heard anything.

You should definitely follow-up on that ticket. It might have gotten lost in the fray because I got my php.ini file request really quickly.

It does suck that Jodo doesn't have ISAPI for Windows but there are security concerns to worry about, so unfortunately it's more of a windows thing.

I didn't try the 404-thing. And in the end, I actually created a subdomain on my Windows server and forwarded it over to a Unix domain. So now I have pretty-URLs on my main site :) I have instructions here if you're interested: