Recent content by CFMX

  1. C

    Reseller Template Site

    Sure ya can. Your re-seller domain should be setup just like a normal domain. You can use PHP, ASP or even CF as long as you are on the correct server.
  2. C

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    BUMP... I would still like to find out some more info on this :).
  3. C

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    Any word on this Yash? Thank you ;)
  4. C

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    I never really cared for hsphere support center... As far as a price... FREE would be nice but like anything you are in business to pay money. It would be nice if it was under 10 dollars per month ;).
  5. C

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    Awesome... Please let us know as I would love to setup this helpdesk. OSticket is okay but Cerberus would be a better solution.
  6. C

    Jodohost Cerberus License So maybe you are?
  7. C

    cron job

    For future reference and anyone who wants to setup a cron the following works: curl -s -o /dev/null
  8. C

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    I am interested in this as well to run my own helpdesk support by my self.
  9. C

    anonymous registration for domain Name

    They buy domains from enom at 6.95 ;).
  10. C

    cron job

    Yeah same thing as scheduled tasks for windows only for the unix/linux os. There is some command used to pull data from a website and I don't think it is "wget".
  11. C

    cron job

    Can anyone help with this?
  12. C

    anonymous registration for domain Name

    Sorry I was un clear about that... I use most of the time unless I have 100 bucks that I won't miss then I use enom and save a 90 cents or so per domain.
  13. C

    anonymous registration for domain Name

    I also use namecheap (enom) only because they give the free whois protection, and because I don't have to give enom 100 bucks to my reseller account each time I run low... sometimes I don't buy domains for months.
  14. C

    Anonymous Support + Cerberus Customization

    So how much would it cost us to run the help desk on our site and support our clients by our self? I love the helpdesk just not the idea of offering personal support.
  15. C

    cron job

    Greetings, What command do I put into the cron job section to pull a PHP file? Thank you for your time.