Recent content by jhpweb

  1. J

    CDO problem in ASP

    I don't believe this is a cdo or mail problem. Have you tried to write the text to the page using: response.write Request.QueryString("cMes") This is a good way to dedug in asp. There is not much you can do about this. You need to insert a carrage return and line feed in your text where you...
  2. J

    Easyapps live help

    Easyapps offer both CS Live Helper and helpcenterlive. A couple of questions? 1. Is anyone using them? 2. Which one and why? 3. The big question is are googlebot and other bots still searching your site, have your ranking dropped since using them? I see some people saying these apps are...
  3. J

    Strange errors connecting to an Access MDB

    I personally don't see how Mappath could cause an intermittent problem. But you never know... I still use access db's for projects where I don't expect many hits. But you must be sure to close every connection after using it. Many people forget this. If you don't it will cause performance...
  4. J

    Please review

    Re: ooO!! review my site please Every designer has their own style. My main suggestions are as follows. 1. Too much information on the home page. I find that if customers have to look for what they want they don't stay. 2. The site is designed for 1024x800 resolution. I always try to stay...
  5. J

    Strange errors connecting to an Access MDB

    Access db's are limited on the number of concurrent connections that are allowed at one time. Other problems could be how much data is being accessed, and the type of connection you are using (DBO, ADO, ODBC). Make sure you are closing the connection after each query as well. I have used...
  6. J

    MS SQL 2005 Express edition

    I know jodohost just started limited support for MS SQL 2005. But does jodohost support or plan to support MS SQL 2005 Express edition. The express edition is different. Its like a replacement for a access db.
  7. J

    Forum testing help please

    Now sure if this is it, but if you go their website Look at their discussion board. Its called Yet Another Forum, at the bottom of the page is a link to a open source C# project. The link is Hope this helps.
  8. J

    Server loaction

    Hi as a reseller where are the customer only forums? Joe