Recent content by jmhooten

  1. J

    Recovering from SQL inject hack

    Would love to see the code you used for filtering, I setup code that checks all querys for SELECT, INSERT, DECLARE, DELETE etc and redirects the user to their own malicious code :) but they somehow still got through.
  2. J

    Can't delete accounts...

    Whenever I try to delete an account I get to the billing screen and click "Yes, Delete this account" and it seems to time out, then I go back and the account is still there. please help! P.S. I always select the delete without billing method.
  3. J

    invalid object name

    I am attempting to call a user defined function from a stored procedure in the same database, and I get the following error: Invalid object name 'dbo.fn_NewSplit'. I've tried calling it as dbo.fn_NewSplit, fn_NewSplit etc. I also setup another that had my DB login IE...
  4. J

    Sitestudio not functioning

    Hello, I am a reseller jmhooten - and on any of my clients logins the sitestudio does not function. What happens is if I attempt to work in sitestudio whether creating a new site (starting from the begining) or working on an existing site when I get to a step that says "please wait while images...