Recent content by Shubham

  1. Shubham

    Urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM27

    All Severs has been restored and Services are running fine now
  2. Shubham

    Urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM27

    Few servers are up now. We are trying to restore all services as soon as possible
  3. Shubham

    What is the status of the current repair/downtime?

    All services have been restored last week.. Please check and let us know if you still face any issue.
  4. Shubham

    Urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM27

    Sever is UP and all services are running fine. if you still facing any issue. Please send us support ticket. Our team will check and update you on ticket.
  5. Shubham

    Urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM27

    Our Data center team is working to build a server. So that we can restore VMs on server and get the services up as soon as possible
  6. Shubham

    Why are my domains still offline/suspended?

    Once account get suspended by Hsphere. It need to get resumed manually. Request you to write at [email protected] to get your account active. Account has already been resumed by billing department. Please check it now
  7. Shubham

    DL2NUM13 Scheduled Maintenance: Saturday, 05 Aug 2023, 00:00:00 AM CDT - Completed

    It has been completed. All VMs are up from new node and working fine
  8. Shubham

    DL2NUM13 Scheduled Maintenance: Saturday, 05 Aug 2023, 00:00:00 AM CDT - Completed

    Some VMs has already been move and up from new nodes. We are still working on it.
  9. Shubham

    DL2NUM13 Scheduled Maintenance: Saturday, 05 Aug 2023, 00:00:00 AM CDT - Completed

    DL2NUM13 node has some hardware issue. We will move all VMs from this node to another new node. We will move VMs one by one. So, there will be some downtime. We will try to minimize downtime as much as possible.
  10. Shubham

    Urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM11- Completed

    Data restoration has been completed. All services are UP now
  11. Shubham

    Urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM11- Completed

    We have setup a New Hardware Node. Data restoration is in process.
  12. Shubham

    Urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM11- Completed

    These is some issue with hardware node. We are working on it to fix it
  13. Shubham

    Urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM11- Completed

    We are going to perform an urgent Maintenance on DL2NUM11. Some downtime expected during maintenance.
  14. Shubham

    CL1-WEB and CL1-WEB2 are not responding- Resolved

    Both servers are UP. Issue resolved.