Recent content by Stew

  1. S

    More than 1 domain name on site

    Thanks, got it now. Yay
  2. S

    Problem w/ Cerberus Helpdesk

    Used livechat, and got my problem solved immediately. However, I raised the issue about the ticket system not working, and was told to try it again, as there were no problems with it. I did, and no ticket again. Maybe someone wants to double check it?
  3. S

    Problem w/ Cerberus Helpdesk

    Same, posted a ticket earlier, waited and waited, thought something was a bit wrong, so posted again. No tickets showing.
  4. S

    More than 1 domain name on site

    Thanks for that, however, I should have given slightly more information. It is a windows reseller account that I have
  5. S

    More than 1 domain name on site

    I have a site setup and working fine. www.(sitename).com can anyone point me in the direction of how to add a 2nd domain name to the same account, pointing to the same place ie. www.(sitename) thanks
  6. S

    Adding a domain name to reseller account

    Thank you Atul, I am on the flash demo now. Support and help here is fabulous.
  7. S

    Adding a domain name to reseller account

    ok, I have deleted all alias's, and dns zones. I have registered a domain name with godaddy How do I point that domain name to my reseller account here with Jodohost, are there nameservers that I should point it to?
  8. S

    Adding a domain name to reseller account

    thanks Stephen, to keep it simplest, should I register a new domain name with Jodohost, would that be the easiest way to make sure the domain name didn't give me any headaches?
  9. S

    Adding a domain name to reseller account

    Thanks for the response. I have no client accounts running on my reseller account yet. If I create a 'client' account, the domain name used for the temporary url, is there any way to change it, or add an additional one?
  10. S

    Adding a domain name to reseller account

    Can anyone tell me how to add a domain name to my reseller account, as the one I have used is held with another registrar, and moving it is a right pain. What I'd like to do is just register any old domain name here with Jodohost and then update my master reseller account so that it uses the...
  11. S

    Big thank you to Amit

    I am new to all of this h-sphere etc. , I am merely a simple ASP and SQL Server programmer. I signed up with some trepidation, fearing all sort of complex issues with DNS and all these strange things. When I hit a snag (to me a huge snag) I used the Jodohost LiveChat support , and Amit...