Recent content by Viper

  1. V

    windows vps?

    What about Linux VPS? Linux VPS was supposed to be changed to Virtuozzo a long time ago. Is it more expensive than the Windows version? Just curious why Virtuozzo VPS can be put on a Windows Box and Not a Linux Box.
  2. V

    Need Semi or Managed

    That's not fair!
  3. V

    Need Semi or Managed

    I'm Really confused. Is this tread saying that Windows will soon be able to have VM enabled through Virtuozzo? Wasn't Linux supposed to get Virtuozzo for it's VM? Does Linux still use the Free software for it's VM? Thanks!!
  4. V

    DirectI Reseller Option

  5. V

    DirectI Reseller Option

    Gurmeet, I must have done something wrong. I went to the URL that you gave and signed up. It appears that I'm now a "Customer" instead of a "Reseller". When I login, I don't have any of the menu options to set up pricing for products that the "Help" area talks about. ????
  6. V

    DirectI Reseller Option

    I know at on time, resellers could sign up for a DirectI reseller account through some form of account that JodoHost had with DirectI. I see that DirectI is now Resellerclub (Which now has Minimum of $199 instead of the old $75). My question is, can a reseller still get a DirectI reseller...
  7. V

    need help with remote connect to MS SQL

    Also, Host should be the IP or host name found in the MS SQL Server info, and NOT your domain IP.
  8. V

    need help with remote connect to MS SQL

    I set this up last night and the Login User & Password should be a MS SQL Server User Name and Password, Not your FTP User name and Password. Go to the MS SQL Manager and create a SQL User.
  9. V

    the only person in the world who can't see

    No problem for me. I can bring up the site with NO problem from St. Louis, MO
  10. V

    Virtuozzo + HSPComplete!!!

    It would be nice to hear something from Yash on this. He made the posting some time ago and left everyone with the impression that a 'Quality' VPS solution was going to be coming available. I like, I'm sure many others have been eagerly waiting for this to happen. I believe that JodoHost is a...
  11. V

    Summary Quota

    I think I understand how the Summary Disk Usage works, but have a question about how ORACLE 10g is handled. As a reseller, I have a plan that offers 300MB of disk usage. This 300MB can be consumed by the user in a number of different combinations of Disk, Email, FTP, and DB usage. Now if...
  12. V

    OnlineJob site scripts

    Have you tried ?
  13. V

    Constant VPS reboots?

    Perhaps, if Jodohost would follow through with what they say they are going to do, people wouldn't have to deal with these VPS issues. I have been waiting for Yash (Jodohost) to follow through with his claims, but I guess that "Virtuozzo" is now a DEAD issue. I would like to offer VPS, but would...
  14. V

    I need the php path, and to run a cronjob

    Your Welcome. Strange place to have it. It took me a while to find it!
  15. V

    I need the php path, and to run a cronjob

    Look under the FTP manager for Cron. Not sure about the PHP path.