Redirect old domain to new domain


What would be the best way to handle this situation, we have a new domain name and we would like the old domain to be redirected to the new domain.

Is it best to do this at the registrar (direcNic?

We would like to use the old domain?s email or have the old email address redirected to the same email on the new domain.

Will we be able to still use the email of the old domain if we do the redirect at the registrar level?

you can add the old domain as a domain alias of the new domain...

Each domain name can have aliases - secondary names that refer to the primary i. e. original domain. For instance if your web site is called, you can have an alias point to
Click the Add icon to add a new alias to the domain name.
Click either the alias name link or the Edit icon to view/change your alias settings.
Click the Trash Can icon to delete the alias.
Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate the help. Two more questions regarding aliases,

Do you know if the domain alias will affect email (i.e. if becomes an alias of, can we still use [email protected])?

If someone has bookmarked a sub-page of, will they be redirected to the same sub-page of or will they be pointed to the home page?

I think that with the domain alias it will just redirect you to the home page of the site, regardless of what page you tried to go to from the old site...

if you wanted it to go to the right page on the new site you would need to write a script that would take the URL they were trying to go to and replace the domain name and send them on...

as far as the email, i'm not sure if it will do what you want, but i'm sure if you submit a ticket they can answer that more properly.