Act! for the Web


Exalted Code Master!
Anyone have experience with Act for the web? I've got a client thinking he wants me to install it on a web server (VPS). From what I can tell from the skimpy info about this product on the Sage web site, it's typically installed on a PC in the office. But that would present various firewall/security issues that are beyond this client's skills and I'm not local to them so I can't help. VPS is probably the way to go.

Any thoughts or info you have would be great. He's shipping the software box to me and it would be nice to be a little prepared when he calls to say "is it installed yet?".

I have never used it, seen it, etc.

But you've been with us a while I will go out of my way to help if I can when you get it in.

By VPS you mean linux vps, or windows vps?
I checked their site but it is loading a blank image for web server specs, so I can't tell what the web server needs in order to run.
Thanks Stephen. This is for a client of mine that has been with me since I started and while not a million dollar/year client, they have been a good consistent source of income. So likewise, I'm going to do what needs to be done to make them happy.

I found some system requirements at:

My client would be using under 10 Act clients for the foreseeable future.

I hope the software box has more details. It should show up in the (snail) mail next week.

ok that should work on the new WinVPS Value server platform so long as MSSQL Express 2005 is finely tuned. it may be tight but should work, Silver will surely work.
I can see there it needs windows, and WinVPS should meet it fully.
It comes with a shared database as well, and that may be the best bet, so long as it doesn't need administrator access to it and will work remote.
Hi Stephen
You are absolutely right.
I am using it for my clients. It does not need administrator access to it and will work remote.