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  1. T

    How do I xfer existing site from Win to UNIX?

    Yes, they use ns3/4. I'm no expert with dig but when I run dig from another machine (not at JodoHost) I get this (names changed). Doesn't the 86400 mean one day or am I reading it wrong? dig @ns3.m**** mx ; <<>> DiG 9.2.3 <<>> @ns3.m****
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    How do I xfer existing site from Win to UNIX?

    Thanks Prakash. What will really happen with mail? This guy only has some forwards, no mailboxes. Since I'm deleting and recreating the domain on another account, I guess the MX record will change. I think the TTL is one day. After I've made the change, which I can do in minutes, what happens...
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    restore SQL table contents?

    The way I've done this (although not at JodoHost) is to restore the whole db to another db. Then do some SQL to copy the data across. If the two dbs are on the same machine then you can include tables from them both in the same SQL statement by fully qualifying the table names with the db name...
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    How do I xfer existing site from Win to UNIX?

    I was about to ask the same question but going from Unix to Windows because of the FrontPage issues. I assume the procedure is the same. My client has four domains under one account. Just so that I don't have to delete everything at once, my plan is to create a new Windows account with a...
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    Front Page Dec 1st.

    Stephen, if you have a moment, could you answer my last post at this thread please Its related to this. Basically, do subwebs generally work okay on Windows? They're created with the FP client. Nothing required in terms of permissions...
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    Add a Frontpage subweb author?

    Stephen, perhaps you can clarify. Sorry, I'm sort of mixing threads here. Its related to this: I need to do something for a long time friend / customer using FrontPage on Linux who tends to use a lot of subwebs. His realistic choices are to...
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    Add a Frontpage subweb author?

    Oops .. I missed that announcement.
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    Add a Frontpage subweb author?

    I'm not sure how directly relevant this is to your problem but I've found that (ironic as it sounds) FrontPage is much easier to deal with on Linux than on Windows so unless you really need Windows for other reasons, I suggest moving to Linux. On Linux I just set my one admin type user in...
  9. T 2.0

    I can't say I know the answer but I have successfully used those classes but not using a config file and maybe not an authenticated server. As in most problems, you really need to narrow it down by eliminating things until it works :) That might not solve the problem but it will point you in...
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    Gmail & Hotmail for Domains

    I was talking more about webmail, I haven't tried Outlook with Gmail. It sounds like you're using Outlook to send with smtp via Gmail. You really don't have to do that. You can send out via an smtp server at your ISP or at Jodo and still pickup pop mail from Gmail. Your incoming and outgoing...
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    Gmail & Hotmail for Domains

    They should be able to change that because Gmail allows you to change the From: address. Go to Settings / Accounts. As far as I know, its the only free webmail service that allows this. The others only allow you to change the ReplyTo. I use Gmail exclusively for my email by forwarding to it...
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    ASP.NET 2.0 medium trust WebPermission?

    I'm think the RSS reader in DotNetNuke works okay on JodoHost which is probably much the same thing. I don't have anything running right now but I'm pretty sure I once had a test page happily pulling in and displaying BBC news headlines. Ross
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    Enterprise Library 2.0 Permissions error.

    This is an old thread but I remembered it when I received this from the EntLib announcements list a few days ago. Cheers Ross
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    windows vps?

    Why? I'm just curious. I've used both and Remote Desktop seems to perform much better. Remote Desktop obviously knows about the internals of Windows and sends high level Windowing commands. VNC is very clever and generic but at the end of the day I think it is primarily just copying pixels...
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    asp arrays and MSSQL database

    Joining it all together into a long string with a delimiter is probably the easiest way to go. The other way is to convert to XML. If I recall correctly, VB has a function called Join which does what you want and a function called Split to convert back to an array. I don't recall if those...
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    any .net gurus want a tricky question?

    Well that's very strange. I just fired up VS 2005 and put this in a button click Dim x As Single Dim y As Integer x = 75.20834 y = CInt(x) MsgBox(y) That works and happily says 75. Perhaps you should try inserting the line: sngResult = 75.20834 before the CInt. If that works...
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    Looking for strategies on lowering spam received

    I have a reseller account and one of my users was overwhelmed with spam. Spamassassin on mail3 really does not seem to be very effective. I have a Linux virtual server at another host so I installed Spamassassin there and forwarded the mail through it. That was a vast improvement. I'm no...
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    DTS Packages for doing backup/restore?

    Its certainly big on the wishlist for me too. Is that really true? I guess I haven't looked very hard but I'm yet to find a low cost host that gives the customer a way to generate and download a MS SQL backup without human help. I don't think there is any off the shelf way of doing it so...
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    Mailing list question

    Hi Jim, This seemed like an interesting idea and since I had a few idle moments and enjoy a puzzle :) I was intrigued to try it myself. I thought I had a clever idea that might have helped. Unfortunately it didn't but I stumbled upon why it doesn't work, not that it helps, I don't see a...
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    Forwarding Question

    I think you need to forward each of the extra addresses to the mailbox address rather than make them aliases. Its a few more clicks and typing to setup compared to aliases but the external forwarding address is still only set in one place which seems to be not quite what you're describing Greg.