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  1. SachinK

    Addressing the new OpenSSL vulnerability and updates

    It has limited to no impact on our servers, however we will still apply updates where available and applicable.
  2. SachinK

    Mysql -3 responding slow - Resolved

    We had to reboot the server to fix the issue. Server is up already and mysql service responding fine.
  3. SachinK

    Mysql -3 responding slow - Resolved

    We notice that the mysql3 server has been responding slow due to which sites which are using mysql3 may face db connectivity issue. We're checking it and will update soon.
  4. SachinK

    Web5 quick maintenance - Reboot - Resolved

    Server is up and all services are running fine now.
  5. SachinK

    Web5 quick maintenance - Reboot - Resolved

    There is an issue we're facing and also we're going to update kernel on the server and have to reboot the server for applying changes and it suppose to be a very quick reboot and service down for 5 -10 minutes as expected.
  6. SachinK

    mail 5 quick maintenance - Reboot - Resolved

    Server is rebooted and its up now. All services are running fine .
  7. SachinK

    mail 5 quick maintenance - Reboot - Resolved

    There is an issue we're facing and also we're going to update kernel on the server and have to reboot the server for applying changes and it suppose to be a very quick reboot and service down for 5 -10 minutes as expected.
  8. SachinK

    web16 not responding - Resolved

    Server is up and all services are running fine on it.
  9. SachinK

    web16 not responding - Resolved

    Server is not responding over the network and console even. Rebooting the server.
  10. SachinK

    Win31 server is not responding

    win 31 server is up and all service are responding fine on it.
  11. SachinK

    Win31 server is not responding

    We're going to reboot win31 and the service will be fluctuate for few minutes.
  12. SachinK

    CL2 Win-1 Windows 2008 R2 migration at 2 AM CDT March 17th,2014

    Migration completed. Win-1 is up now on windows 2008 server.
  13. SachinK

    CL2 Win-1 Windows 2008 R2 migration at 2 AM CDT March 17th,2014

    On March 17th at 2 AM CDT 2014, we will be finalizing the Windows 2003 to 2008 R2 move for Win1 server on Cluster2. With the end of life nearing on windows 2003 there are an increasing amount of attacks and problems coming on 2003 based servers, we are taking this time to move 2003 based servers...
  14. SachinK

    All domains are down from Europe

    This was due to network issue, which we updated it on our forums. Kindly check the sites web/mail/db from the Europe now and let us know if the problem still persist or fixed.
  15. SachinK

    web 13 not responding - Resolved

    Server is up now and all services are responding fine now.
  16. SachinK

    web 13 not responding - Resolved

    We found it at the stage of restarting on console and ran fsck on /var partition where got some unclean inodes which it cleared.
  17. SachinK

    web 13 not responding - Resolved

    web 13 not responding over network. We're checking it.
  18. SachinK

    Mail 5 maintenance at 00:00:00 CST ,Feb 26, 2014

    Mail-5 maintenance has been completed and its up from the new node and all service are running fine on it. We're looking for any post-migration issues on the server. If you'll face any issues then please contact us.
  19. SachinK

    Mail 5 maintenance at 00:00:00 CST ,Feb 26, 2014

    We're starting the maintenance and mail service will be stopped during this time period.
  20. SachinK

    Mail 5 maintenance at 00:00:00 CST ,Feb 26, 2014

    We'll going to perform a maintenance on mail-5 during which we'll move the server from the current node to a new node with adding more resources on server and that will provide better performance to the mail5. Maintenance time :- Feb 26, 00:00:00 CST 2014 Downtime of service expected :- 30 -...