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  1. Scotty_32

    Custom Signup with XML API

    i think this person is hosting this HSphere them selfs and are not a reseller, especially not a reseller with jodohost, so i dont think you'll be able to do this and its not related the hshphere API i think with jodohost, the most you can do is change colours and backgrounds with the...
  2. Scotty_32

    detect browser capabilities

    i think this comes with IIS though i think the one with ISS only works for IE and is very basic, as its an example
  3. Scotty_32

    Virtuozzo + HSPComplete!!!

    this all sounds great - better VPS for our clients... but one concern of mine is we'll end up having loads of CPs for different things, all with its own look i know jodohost wont be able to intergrate all this into one CP but when i signed up it was just HSphere, then the Annon support...
  4. Scotty_32

    Win7 and mail RAM upgrade

    lol i fell for that on one of my selfs too (un-related though)
  5. Scotty_32

    Access to plans. Don't understand them too well
  6. Scotty_32

    development tool

    notepad rocks! fast to load, simple to use, and you have full control over your site!
  7. Scotty_32

    New hosting packages -grandfathered in

    there wasnt any instructions in the email, the only part thats different to the announcement post is this:
  8. Scotty_32

    New Prices

    ahh - could be meh like i said my billing period is nearly over so i'll leave it to hsphere
  9. Scotty_32

    New Prices

    acctually you cant - as far as i know, since i tried that soon as i saw the anouncement - and it said i had didnt have enough funds. when ever ive upgraded to a higher account (with Shared) in the past ive always had to add the new Resouce limits so i thought id have to with Reseller too...
  10. Scotty_32

    ASP POP3 Component

    the problem with using it to dynamically show all components is that it shows ALL of them, so it'll show all the default ones like the AdRotator and all the other common ones
  11. Scotty_32

    ASP POP3 Component

    am not sure but i think the latest JMail has IMAP thought am not sure might of just been Pop they added
  12. Scotty_32

    ASP POP3 Component

    what about an IMAP component? id love to build my own Webmail app and along with Hsphere API it'd be great
  13. Scotty_32

    Applying payments from PayPal

    unfortently you wont be able to edit the text. jodo could and it'd be nice if they did. but if you had "check your email for your login & password" it'd show for ALL not just new customers.
  14. Scotty_32

    Custom Signup with XML API

    fancy sharing your script to create mail-box's? and if you could share the custom signup aswell that'd be great too i dont know perl at all and am just trying to understand samples that e:magine sent me so i wouldnt be much help in creatin this.... unless theres an ASP part i could help...
  15. Scotty_32

    Custom Signup with XML API

    i was lookin at your site, and i was looking at the 'sign-up' system.... you have: <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> <% Dim strURL, strLength, counter, findSlash, lastSlash, pagename strURL = Request.ServerVariables("URL") strLength = len(strURL)...
  16. Scotty_32

    Applying payments from PayPal

    WebGuy emailed me (i think) after me made that post and i emailed back so i never posted here but yes, it works, as my screenshot shows but Emagine your link is wrong i dont think i acctually included the :8080 part as Jodohost have stopped using it so i left that part out so...
  17. Scotty_32

    Just an Idea

    only problem is sometimes the announcements have stuff only related to jodohost eg links or they mention stuff only for resellers (like updating the eManager thing (server alias's)) so this *might* be a problem for resellers just puttin that info straight into there own sites
  18. Scotty_32

    All CPs down - Am I missing something?

    yep, you have missed something read this: Change in Control Panel ports
  19. Scotty_32

    Applying payments from PayPal

    ive attached a screenshot of (wot looks like) an automatic paypal crediting which is why i prosumed it automaticlly credits users accounts
  20. Scotty_32

    Applying payments from PayPal

    just to let you know, i did the Paypal IPN url thing and it seems to automatically credit my customers accounts check this page out: