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  1. MAKhosting

    Login Name & Password work on Member Login but no longer on HSPHERE CP

    After you login to your reseller account, and then click the login door to enter your administrative account, you should not have to enter a user name and password. it should let you in since you have already logged in to your reseller account. Im not following what is actually happening on...
  2. MAKhosting

    Two weeks to propagate?

    well alrighty then. :D
  3. MAKhosting

    ASP not working

    ok, so i was wrong. lol. that's happened before.
  4. MAKhosting

    Login Name & Password work on Member Login but no longer on HSPHERE CP

    Are you trying to access your administrative account through your address? If so, to access your admin account, you need to login at https://cp.m**** then click the login icon there. the "change url" option in the instructions is only for your customers...
  5. MAKhosting

    Webalizer Q

    Go here... they have a tracker that surpases anything else. Just use this untill they get Urchin. :D
  6. MAKhosting

    Customer traffic limit

    I am guessing her origional amount was off. no personal website can accumulate that much traffic. lol. Not any I have ever seen at least. Unless there is some sort of attack from someone. Just my two cents. :D Check her webalizer or other stats to see the traffic chart. This should help...
  7. MAKhosting

    Two weeks to propagate?

    Oh my Yash, That is bad. You guys should really check and double check the zone files when shifting things. This has happened to me about 3 times already. Im all fixed now. But it bothers me to see the same issues arrise with other resellers. :D
  8. MAKhosting

    issues with www header

    Yes, All domains are resolving fine here as well. :D
  9. MAKhosting

    ASP not working

    probably need to have this domain switched to win4. I could be wrong though. :D
  10. MAKhosting

    Domain Aliases

    Rockit, Simply go to your administrative cpanel > select "plans" > click on your plan in question > enable domain aliases > click continue... continue... sumbit... It should then enable domain aliases in that plan. You cannot add it specific to one user. All users with that plan will...
  11. MAKhosting

    Additional Charges for Resellers

    I would recommend you have all of your clients aware of the switch and have them update their name servers 24 hours in advance. this way the downtime durring propogation is limited or eliminated. as far as uploading their files. make sure to email all your customers and let them know that if...
  12. MAKhosting Live!

    Yes, I am setting up the support forum now. I had switched to windows from unix and got everything nice and tidy, and gues what. forum whiped out! but thanks for clicking around! I am out of work and am for hire you guys if ya need any help, let me know. :D
  13. MAKhosting

    Instant access not working.

    My IA's are working fine now that Jodo has stablized their DNS issue. hey, Im a Whitetip Reef Shark now! :D :D :D
  14. MAKhosting

    ASPEMAIL from Persits

    ok, how do I access aspmail and do i even need to? I am no expert on the mail, but i guess i should know what this is. All I know is that I wish my customers had something better to use than the crappy mail program that is installed. SQWebMail - mail client. is aspmail supposed to be a new...
  15. MAKhosting

    Add to existing accounts

    I would just give them 3 domains and credit the account $3.00. This is good so the invoice has record of it as well. Why do you not want to credit their account? Markey mentioned the only other alternative i know of. Create a completely separate plan just for that customer and allow an...
  16. MAKhosting

    email virus filter

    Jodo does not have a virus filter. and if they do, it doesnt work. Make sure you get am anti-virus software like norton anti-virus that checks your email (incoming and outgoing) Yes, that email you received IS the myDoom@ virus. Also, If you think you have been infected, visit...
  17. MAKhosting

    Crediting accounts.

    ok, i figured. that sucks. thanks.
  18. MAKhosting Live!

    LOL. good to hear. :D thanks.
  19. MAKhosting

    Crediting accounts.

    If a user signs up for a hosting account and uses the paypal option, will every monthly payment he/she makes get automaticaly updated or do i have to give a credit each month? I dont recall the documentation explaining this.