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  1. D

    mail1 issue

    Isn't that the reason we have mail2, as a mail relay? Did that work?
  2. D

    hsphere referral program

    Apparently it only works for credit card payments...
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    mod_rewrite not working

    It's taking a long time!
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    mod_rewrite not working

    Hi, .htaccess and mod_rewrite don't seem to work. I opened a ticket, it got fixed and an hour later it stopped working again. Now I'm getting the usual "we will update you soon" answer. Got it about 3 times today :D
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    Anonymous Support

    I'm not being cheap at all, I just think it's a waste of money. Let's assume I have 50 clients and only 10% actually use tickets for support ans such. That would be 5 clients out of 50 which technically should cost $2.50 but in the end it costs $25/mo... I'm sure you would like to save...
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    Anonymous Support

    Hi, I think Jodo should try and develop a sytem which charges the reseller on a pay-per-ticket basis or some sort of fixed proce for X number of active accounts. I'm suggesting this as I think it is ridiculous to pay $0.50 for each active account if only 3-4 accounts actually use tickets...
  7. D

    Where and with who does this error rest with

    Sometimes on my referer links I see and when i access that domains I get to my homepage... Happened with 2 domains up to date.
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    Can you ENABLE Email Domain Registration in Domain Registrar Manager?

    Ya, we've been waiting quite a while for integrated domain registration.
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    Billing Customers

    Should get a reply from them around the beginning of next week, I'll let support know if something goes wrong. By the way, how do you test if a gateway is setup properly? Are there any bogus CC# which are used for testing?
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    Billing Customers

    That's what I'm doing. I'm getting a Paradata gateway. Ravi would you know if Paradata is setup with H-Sphere, on the docs it says there has to be 1 file configured or something...
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    Billing Customers

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    Nameservers question

    No, only you have to set up the nameservers at your registrar
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    CP login..

    I had trouble doing it myself from the CP, i kept getting erros. I had to as support to do it.
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    H-Sphere Login/Logout page alternatives?

    I don't think that's possible (the log out part). The login part works perfectly just create a form and submit it to the CP.
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    Network & Announcements forum subscriptions - why not instant?

    You can't subscribe to the forum, it doesnt work for some reason
  16. D

    if dedicatedIPs { HOORAY}

    Lost a customer cause of that... I requested an IP about 4 days ago...
  17. D

    posting PHP to ASP

    That's not PHP 8o Try using this handy function: $data = "var1=abc&var2=def" $host = ""; $path = "/insert.asp"; function PostToHost($host, $path, $data) { $fp = fsockopen($host,80); fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Host: $host\r\n")...
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    Physical path on wincf servers

    Well than use php... <? phpinfo(); ?> :P
  19. D

    reseller prices

    The main resellet CP is acting wiered. Just click on some other link and it should show up.
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    Redirecting Non-existing Subdomains

    What I did, was create the subdomain than add the redirect. Also, I deleted the subdomain folder, so it's practically non-existent.