Search results

  1. W

    Domain Aliases, do they actually work?

    ya, it looks like when you add a domain alias, it only creates the A record for the domain and, if you opt to, it creates an MX record as well. But there's no reason you couldn't add the rest manually. this is no fault of jodohost's, it's an hsphere thing. And if you're on a reseller system...
  2. W

    Monthly Transfer Query

    I would imagine it's 1.5gb for everything. because jodohost has no way to know if the upload/traffic is from you or from just a website user. I have a page on my site that has an upload form for the users and I'm pretty sure this uses my bandwidth.
  3. W

    mail3 again

    well if they don't post something in outages or announcements forums, this is definitely a legitimate thread and shouldn't be moved. I can understand moving it to the outages forum, but not making it 'invisible'. sheesh.
  4. W

    mail3 again

    same here.....again. now it's REALLY pathetic. this has been happening for a long time. The thread in the other forum was deleted. gee, i wonder why. we'll see if they delete this one too.
  5. W

    SSL Please Help Client Request Services!

    We do a similar thing with some private information our client collects. When a person submits info via a form, the info is encrypted (using PGP), stored in the database, then an email is sent to the client notifying them that there's info in the database. then they go login and view it...
  6. W

    MsSQL Manager Access Problem!

    if i remember correctly, that's everyone who's on the same SQL server as you. same thing goes for all the databases you see. i.e. username_dbname
  7. W

    MySQL 5?

    What's the plan for implementing MySQL 5?? I could really use the stored procedures!
  8. W

    Using VPS

    Thanks Amit! I got Webmin installed ok. It seems to do what I need. However, I would like to get a regular GUI installed also. Do you have any suggestions on a good/easy one?? Thanks!
  9. W

    Using VPS

    Hi all, I've just setup a VPS account and got logged in via SSH, but I'm not sure where to go next. I assume Linux is already installed? I'd like to install an FTP server and PHP. How do I go about installing things, etc. Is there already a GUI installed? Is it possible to install...
  10. W

    "Add email" script for hsphere

    interested in selling it? or just being a really cool person and emailing it to me? :D I currently have a portal system for the client. So whenever they get a new employee, an administrator logs in to the portal and adds the user so they have access to the portal. I would just like to add...
  11. W

    "Add email" script for hsphere

    Hi all, I've been researching this hsphere xml api. I'm curious if anyone already has a working script (php, asp, .net, perl, pascal, qbasic (just kidding on those last 2)) that would add email address(es) without having to login, and go through the standard procedure. My ultimate goal...
  12. W

    Why isn't AspInet installed?

    Thank you for installing it. It's very frustrating, though, because when all the components are listed on the products page, it implies that they are ready to go; there is no way to tell which components are installed and which components are not. Thx for your help. I just added a new...
  13. W

    Why isn't AspInet installed?

    I was just on a chat with Yogendra, who said that AspInet is not even installed on Win10. I'm going to take a guess and say that AspInet probably isn't installed on most of Jodohost's servers? When you advertise something and say that it is available to use (
  14. W

    MSSQL manager: Object variable or With block variable not set

    Hi, I'm getting the following error when attempting to view tables and stored procs in the MSSQL manager: Object variable or With block variable not set Any ideas?? Thanks! ross
  15. W

    ASP and Components question

    By moving my sites to a Windows 2000 server? Is that how it gets resolved?
  16. W

    ASP and Components question

    You're right it is DIY. But while perusing the Jodohost reseller support area, I came across an FAQ regarding the session problem I described....interesting-- ====From Jodohost Support Area==== Problem In my ASP website hosting on Win2003, my sessions are expiring very quickly in under 2...
  17. W

    ASP and Components question

    I'm looking at Jodohost due to a problem at my current host with ASP sessions and I have a couple questions before finalizing anything. 1. My current host is having problems with ASP sessions ending prematurely. For example, on my ASP login scripts on my sites, the user logs in, a session...