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  1. Inka

    Linux Hosting

    Hello, I have some questions about Linux Hosting: - Does it support a cgi-bin directory? If so, which kind of programs may the user run there? Perl? Native binaries? What else? - Is it possible to enable shell access for linux hosting? Thanks
  2. Inka

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    Excellent news! Thanks!
  3. Inka

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    They are still "evaluating" which means = "most probably it won't be possible and please do not keep writing about this in the forum because we will ignore it anyway". :D
  4. Inka

    Problems with reported bandwidth

    Hi, I have a customer whose account reports a use of 101 Gb of http monthly transfer out of 2 Gb allowed in his plan. Such situation is impossible given my settings where the account is automatically suspended when the account reaches 101% of the allowed resource. That policy have been...
  5. Inka


    X( X( X( X( X( even if you install Urchin or not, I want to see the countries my visitors come from. AWStats is not showing that, it only shows "Unknown". I work with several hostings and this is the only one that has problems which reveals a bad configuration Please fix
  6. Inka


    Hi Did you finally install urchin? "Next week" was several months ago :P I hope so
  7. Inka

    Problem with Enterprise Manager

    Also, the problem is occurring in MSSQL2
  8. Inka

    Problem with Enterprise Manager

    Hi, One of my customers cannot see his database from the enterprise manager. In the past it was being shown without any problem. But today the login information is not working I opened a ticket KLM-75105-191, please fix asap Usually I could wait some time, but my customer has already...
  9. Inka

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    Exactly, that's the idea. We already know it's not free, but since you have already paid for it, it would be very good for your resellers to use this system for free Thanks
  10. Inka

    Reseller Support System

    Hi I am not sure I am understanding correctly. Sublicense Cerberus is free, but if we want that Jodohost answer the tickets is a flat fee of US$0.50 per account I am hosting. Is that correct or the fee also applies to sublicense Cerberus?? Thanks
  11. Inka

    Reseller Support System

    Hi, I would like to have a cerberus support center too for my web hosting (I have a reseller account). Should I open a ticket or what is it necessary for this? Is this free? Thanks
  12. Inka

    Jodohost Cerberus License

    Given that you have unlimited licenses and if this is sub licensed to resellers the H-SPHERE built in ticket system will not be used by any resellers, I don't see the problem to sub license this for free. Could somebody from JodoHost please post any news here? Thanks
  13. Inka

    Reseller Account Sub Upgrade

    It's a good point :D Although I think that Silver would be US$420 more than Value per year. Having intermediate planes would facilitate the transition to Silver for the following reason: As soon as a reseller sign up new clients he needs more space and bandwidth, however at first he doesn't...
  14. Inka

    Reseller Account Sub Upgrade

    Wow, more than one day and nobody answer this Are the people of JodoHost on vacation?
  15. Inka

    Reseller Account Sub Upgrade

    Hello, I want to upgrade my ValueHost account. However, SilverHost is excessively expensive for me *at this moment*. Would it be possible to add a LiteHost account over the ValueHost account and received the extra 1.5Gb DS, 30Gb MT and 7 user accounts and paying the extra US$17.50 per month...
  16. Inka

    My Wish List (features)

    As I said in my original post a lot of developers use Visual Studio to create ASP.NET solutions. Many of them use SQL Server 2000. VS.NET has Crystal Reports and SQL Server provides Reporting Services, so that developers will eventually use one of them to do reporting tasks. I think you...
  17. Inka

    My Wish List (features)

    Hi Stepthen, I thant case, can you please install that? According to Microsoft you don't need to pay an extra penny, the license of SQL Server : Allows you to use it Also, Yash said this: I do not know if Microsoft has such...
  18. Inka

    My Wish List (features)

    Could somebody from JodoHost please confirm if SQL Server Reporting Services is installed?
  19. Inka

    DB Backup Restore

    Ok, in the meantime I added 150 Mb to the account of the user, but do not think that the problem is solved, it's only that I added that extra space temporarily
  20. Inka

    DB Backup Restore

    Can somebody please do this today??? I have been waiting too much for this! X(