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  1. Inka

    Win 5

    It's 8:05 pm (U.S. eastern) and my sites in Win5 still are not up. I have sent several emails and opened tickets and got no answer What happens?
  2. Inka

    Win 5

    Win 5 still down I cannot access it
  3. Inka


    Any update on this?
  4. Inka

    Http 4 0 5

    Well, actually the path is cgi-bin, but I cannot find FormMail. Does it come installed with the package?
  5. Inka

    Http 4 0 5

    Hi, I have a customer who is trying to use formmail. He has a page with the following tag: <form name="form1" method="post" action="/ cgi / FormMail"> (I have put spaces intentionally) But he receives the following error: HTTP 4 0 5 - R e s o u r c e n o t a l l o w e d What...
  6. Inka


    Dear Atul, I have no problem in using the online bill but at this moment its format is very unintelligible since it's an HTML table without any kind of separations. Please modify the template so that the invoice can be more easily understandable (just put an attribute of border=1 to the...
  7. Inka


    Hi I have just seen that my mail server is listed in the BLARSBL spam db according to What happens?
  8. Inka


    Hi Please answer the email I sent you some days ago about an invoice Thanks