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  1. S

    Email scripts broken last week

    I have been running my email scripts without any problem for years! Suddenly, they have stopped working last week. The same scripts work on another hosting company without any problem. So something has changed with windows hosting. I have made a new ticket on this. After following it...
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    Affiliate program

    I'm already hosted with you for many years. Do I have to sign up for your affiliate program separately or do you have something for already hosted user ids?
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    I can't get the sample php script to work to get a web page content. It gives parse errors on jodohost Windows server. How can I make it work? <?php $r = new HttpRequest('', HttpRequest::METH_GET); try { echo $r->send()->getBody(); } catch (HttpException $ex) {...
  4. S subfolder as virtual directory?

    Thanks for reminding. I forgot about subdomains. You can close that ticket.
  5. S subfolder as virtual directory?

    I had submitted a ticket (JKO-59429-640) to make a subfolder an application folder. I thought it will be set up as a virtual directory. But it isn't. It is still referring to /includes and other folders from the main web site. I have responded to the ticket but no progrress so far. I want this...
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    Upload via

    I want to have some customers upload a file via form. Last time I tried this, I think there was some limit on the file size that was hit. Is there some kind of limit set up on jodohost for this feature? Where to find it?
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    Special database backup site down?

    Success. Thanks for the fast response.
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    Special database backup site down?

    The mssql9 web site that I often used for downloading a database backup is down. Has it moved?
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    Copying sql server data to local sql express db

    I know the extract database method to generate sql insert statements and then use them to transfer data from remote to local and from local to remote. But is there a quicker way? For example, the special jodohost database backup works quite fast to store a local .BAK file. But how can I use that...
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    Sql server incompatibility

    OK, I was able to generate a proper 2000 compatible script from Sql Server Management Express. But I can't find that option in the EMS tool anywhere. Also, my first question remains: how can I use sql server 2005 on my jodohost account (windows shared hosting)? Can a move be made?
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    Sql server incompatibility

    In a recent thread, I was advised to use EMS Sql Manager freeware to create tables, etc. At that time, it worked ok because the table might have been simpler. Today, when I exported scripts in it for creating tables to duplicate my local tables, it generated sql server 2005 scripts which gave...
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    ASP.NET 1.1 error

    No, I changed it to use DownloadData which is present in 1.1.
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    ASP.NET 1.1 error

    My mistake. This feature is not there in 1.1. My local cassini misled me to believe it should be there.
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    ASP.NET 1.1 error

    Now I am not sure whether the method really exists in 1.1. In my local testing, I am using cassini web server and the web site is set to 1.1. I hope cassini does use 1.1. I will try to switch to another method and see if that works.
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    ASP.NET 1.1 error

    I have made a new ASP.NET program by using a WebClient functionality. I tested it locally and it works fine. But when I use it on the web site, I get this error: CS0117: 'System.Net.WebClient' does not contain a definition for 'DownloadString' I need this functionality. I have already...
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    Create table using SQL Server Management Studio Express

    Welll, on the suggestion of Stephen in another thread in the database forum, I downloaded the EMS SQL manager lite and regenerated the query for the local database and executed on the actual server and it worked like a charm. So, I won't use SSME to create tables again.
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    How to migrate a local sql express database?

    Thanks. That worked very well. BTW, I discovered that MS SSME tool's generated SQL is incompatible with that on the actual MS SQL server at jodohost. It was giving syntax error. But then I generated a script with this EMS tool and the table created painlessly.
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    How to migrate a local sql express database?

    I just tried the EMS free tool to login to mssql9. It just locks up getting the name of the databases on the second screen. I tried that twice. Too bad. The Microsoft tool SSMS worked much faster and better.
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    How to migrate a local sql express database?

    I'd prefer to use Microsoft tools like SQL Server Management Studio express (SSMS). In fact, it seems to work quite well. However, I just created a table in my database and can query it but can't see it in SSMS. I posted this question in a wrong form "Microsoft Development." I hope jodohost...
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    Create table using SQL Server Management Studio Express

    I am a newbie with MS SQL. Please help. I am trying to duplicate a database schema from my local sql express database to the mssql server. Using the SQL Server Management Studio Express on my PC, I logged in to mssqlx... server and ran a script to create a table in my database. It was...