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  1. SePP

    having problems

    Plz post the code of connect.php so we can see what you've done wrong. It seems to me you've not configged your script correctly.You have to fill in your database username and pass,...
  2. SePP

    PHP horde login page

    is this error issue on the jodohost server or on another host ?
  3. SePP

    PHP horde login page

    mmm ... this isn't possible because their is no php in that page and you're getting a php error. Wich is the url you have in the adresswindow on that error ?
  4. SePP

    Is it just me or do things just seem to keep getting worse?

    Well I've a linux hosting over here and I'm one happy customer, great support, cheap prices. I think every windows server had that problems. I just don't believe the windows os is a good server os.It's just in starting fase. I don't think this is a jodohost only problem but I'm sure other...
  5. SePP

    Need Thoughts

    First off all layout : - try aligning the site in the center so user off high resolutions see the site in the center of their screen. - I think their are also to many eyecatchers, so you don't know where to look. I should try making the homepage a bit cleaner. For the registration part...
  6. SePP


    Yash, I've never seen a squirellmail that looks good, it always has that ugly layout. I like Horde more than squirellmail I hope it stays too.
  7. SePP

    Farcry CMS (Coldfusion)

    I've taken a look at the requirements at their site and jodohost definately is possible to host it. But you have to take coldfusion support. But it seems able to run on the linux servers and win servers so you can choose that one. But I haven't tested it, I've just say this looking at the...
  8. SePP

    Mailing list newbie

    1. and 2. are defintaly possible. For 1. you can just add emails to the mailinglist and your customers can get a confirmationmail. They also can unsubscribe by mailing to [email protected] to subscribe they can mail to [email protected] . for 3. I'm not sure I...
  9. SePP

    Traffic stats?

    wooohaaa ... ;) Owyeah got another question, what is the correct way to view your quota is that on the homepage after login to control panel. Because it says something different as my ftp quota specific.
  10. SePP

    Traffic stats?

    you can see your http traffic in the control panel go to domain settings and then HTTP traffic. It gives the number of http traffic you made that month.
  11. SePP

    PHP horde login page

    I don't think that will be possible ...
  12. SePP

    Horde on new cluster

    Is horde able to view html mails ? It would be a nice new feature.
  13. SePP

    allowed rcpthosts error

    K it solved ... thanks
  14. SePP

    allowed rcpthosts error

    Yash can you give us an update on this problem? Thanks !! :)
  15. SePP

    Is there Imagemagick on your linux server?

    Ok sorry, I just saw it ... it was answered a week ago, but I din't got an email about it or just must a looked over it. Thanks Yash.
  16. SePP

    Is there Imagemagick on your linux server?

    Yash maybe it's good if you put the dir of imagemagic in the knowledge base forum. So you always can refer to that. I've places a ticket to know the directory to ImageMagick but haven't got any response yet. :))
  17. SePP

    allowed rcpthosts error

    I also have this problem, placed a ticket yesterday.
  18. SePP

    Horde on new cluster

    Is Horde going slow with you guys ? It seems slow to me.
  19. SePP


    Java Virtual machine is a Client-Side tool so it doesn't matter if the server has it or not, it's be?ng parsed by the browser if it has the Java Virtual Machine. So it's possible to host java applet's if your visitors have some kind of java pakket installed like Java Virtual Machine. I...
  20. SePP

    Server Down...

    Sad to hear that ... hope it will be fixed fast ! :)