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  1. SePP

    Server Down...

    idd I also can't reach my linux website. K ... thanks yash
  2. SePP

    Horde on new cluster

    Horde seems down again, or is it the whole server. Anyway can't get on webmail.
  3. SePP

    Restarting Servers

    I also think linux has more experience on the server level. Since version 1 of linux, it has been used to serve things and that's why it's a bit stabler. But Windows servers will grow to till their as good as linux.
  4. SePP

    PHP horde login page

    I made a page so you can externally login to horde webmail. I use it so people on my site can directly login to their webmail. Maybe some people find it usefull. I just stripped the login page and changed my preferred settings, don't shoot me if some things aren't correct. You can change the...
  5. SePP

    Primary and Secondary DNS numbers

    Primary DNS server: Secondary DNS server: here you go !
  6. SePP

    HSphere 2.4

    Idd uptime is the most important off all things, features is just extra. I think every host have to keep their aimes mainly focused on uptime and support.
  7. SePP

    Paypall problem

    Paypall problem [SOLVED] Figured it out already ...
  8. SePP

    support .be domain

    Sure , I was aware of that ... but I can't get in all the email accounts. I don't have the password of all my clients for their emailaccount. So I can't transfer them. And it are only 10 email accounts but what if it were 100 ? I just want a fast way to transfer the emails to your host...
  9. SePP

    support .be domain

    Well I have about 10 email accounts on my domain. They are constantly used, so is their a way to transfer the accounts from my current email server to jodohost, without losing the emails and account information ? I have the files of the email accounts my question is can these files be...
  10. SePP

    support .be domain

    sorry I don't understand your reply... So it's possible to upload my current email accounts and then restore them ?
  11. SePP

    support .be domain

    Well I've got a tarball from my current host with a folder of my domain with all the folders of accounts in it and the mails of the accounts.
  12. SePP

    qmail restore

    Is it possible to restore email accounts from a qmail backup to jodohost server qmail ? :)) And when my email accounts restored are about 100 mb. And I have the linux value account of 200 mb. Is my webspace then only 100 mb. So does that counts together ?
  13. SePP

    support .be domain

    Thanks for the fast respons. And emails for my domain are easily added and modified ? Are you guys working with qmail on the linux servers ? So I don't have to give in all my accounts mannually but can I give you some kind of backup of my email accounts ?
  14. SePP

    support .be domain

    Is it possible to automattically make subdomains with control panel for a .be domain. If I register a .be domain to what I have to refer to at the agent ? :tongue: *sorry posted this in the wrong forum ... must have been pre sales question. Excuse me