Search results

  1. The Frog

    New Backup Servers

    I hope you purchased new hamsters for them servers. :)
  2. The Frog

    Gmail invites (links)

    Ah. So it's got nothing to do with pastrami. :)
  3. The Frog

    How was everyones weekend?

    I killed a guy in a pumpkin suit.
  4. The Frog

    Off-shore money transfers

    I'm more interested in the money, especially if it's coming my way. :D
  5. The Frog

    Its kind of cheesy heh

    You mean we're not supposed to give our credit card numbers out? :P
  6. The Frog

    Send me gmail invite, please
  7. The Frog

    Cannot log in to control panel

    This is happening intermittently at the moment. I'll wait forever to login. Later, I can login. Then if go to some section, say, Domains, it loads partially and stops. Later, it loads all OK.
  8. The Frog

    Gmail invites (links)

    What's Gmail? Sounds pornographic! ?(
  9. The Frog

    Off-shore money transfers

    I usually find it convenient to put it into a bottle and throw it into the ocean.
  10. The Frog

    Now it's our turn!

    Excellent work, Yash. I've noticed the proactive information policy they've had from day 1, and initially, I wondered why they did that... (Guess I wasn't used to it.) But now I see it's what makes JH better than the rest. ;)
  11. The Frog

    Spammers getting private email addresses from Jodohost servers

    That's why it's best to give out fake info on wwhois. It's not like the info matters anyways. I often get surprised when I see who register my own website :D
  12. The Frog

    Eric Clapton

    See, nobody believes me.
  13. The Frog

    [MySQL] Restoring data from MYD and FRM file

    205 replies and zero answers?! I couldn't figure it out either, I had to go through another route. Here's what I did: I created a database on my laptop's MySQL, and placed these files into the data directory. I reindexed. Then I had to write a program which went through each table...
  14. The Frog

    Radial Snake

    Mushr00MZ are teh r0x0r!
  15. The Frog

    Eric Clapton

    Eric Clapton killed my lobsters!! 8o 8o :( :( :(
  16. The Frog

    danish domain

    The DK Whois link you gave above is for domains which have been registered with the .DK TLD. It has nothing to do with hosts, and that is not a site for "approval" of hosts. Any domain can be hosted anywhere at all. Edit: just saw your second link. I feel that is irrelevant. There should...
  17. The Frog

    mySQL question

    Rule 1: A website is only as fast as your Internet connection :) Rule 2: 5-15 users at a time is peanutes. Check out or There's an average of 50 users at any given time, and we face no problems.
  18. The Frog

    [MySQL] Restoring data from MYD and FRM file

    From the server, I downloaded a particular table's MYD, MYI and FRM files. Now I'd like to get this table in its entirety onto the MySQL Server database on my laptop. I do not have the option of taking a backup of the database, I must work with just these three files, and just the mysql...
  19. The Frog

    Is there a major internet attack on?

    The aliens are here! :eek: :eek: