Search results

  1. The Frog

    Need help in VB program

    TRAITOR!!! That's The difference is, has a better user base, and the people there actually have a sense of humor. :)
  2. The Frog

    When did Jodohost switch to 24/7 support???

    I see you've shifted the support team to live in the server rooms now? :D
  3. The Frog

    Poll... what do you guys think about....

    Mozilla user here, so I see no popups. Maybe you need to inform the users to disable their popup blocking?
  4. The Frog

    Search Engine Optimization - is this technique risky?
  5. The Frog

    Search Engine Optimization - is this technique risky?

    I doubt if they'd know that trick, but then, that makes it a little unethical doesn't it? IMEO, it does. You'd be better off using the meta keywords instead. Google does look into that. And besides, does any search engine besides google even matter? I doubt it. I could suggest...
  6. The Frog

    How do I send an email?

    For some reason, it works now. Now two of my three eyes are twiching. And I'm not even sure of the spelling of twitching!!!
  7. The Frog

    Word Association

    Dollar Daze!
  8. The Frog

    How do I send an email?

    Anyone? My third eye has started twiching :eek:
  9. The Frog

    What's Up With This?

    Just as a precaution: have you cleared your cache and set IE to reload the page 'each visit to the page'? What's the URL, btw?
  10. The Frog

    How do I send an email?

    I am running PHP on a Windows account, and I have been unable to send emails. The code I am using is: mail("$to", "$subject", "$msg", "$headers"); I get an error/warning message: Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 RCPT first (#5.5.1) in...
  11. The Frog

    Word Association

    Rice Krispies
  12. The Frog

    how many customers do you have?

    I've hosted half the Internet, but have no customers, because nobody knows how to type www.?.com in their browsers. :(
  13. The Frog

    PHP - Globals turned off? + Default Document?

    Nah, I changed my code in there... if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $id=$_GET['id']; if($id==0 OR $id==""){ $id=0; } } else{ $id=0; } If only I hadn't been so lazy...
  14. The Frog

    Word Association

    Bell Labs
  15. The Frog

    Another reason for websites not to use popups

    Am I the only one who enjoys the way these popus downlaod those porn dialers to my com? There aren't enough, IMEO. :(
  16. The Frog

    HSphere 2.4

    We want lemmings!! WE WANT LEMMINGS!!!!!!
  17. The Frog

    PHP - Globals turned off? + Default Document?

    NM the global thing either. I changed my code. :)
  18. The Frog

    PHP - Globals turned off? + Default Document?

    Sure does. Thanks a bunch.
  19. The Frog

    Word Association

  20. The Frog

    PHP - Globals turned off? + Default Document?

    I'm on the Windows server you guys have... Have globals in PHP been turned off on your servers? A lot of my pages were depending upon it. Also, have you guys included index.php as one of the default pages (in IIS I presume)? Because I'm having to manually type "index.php" in there...