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    News Servers

    Does jodohost offer NNTP news servers?
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    New Site Launched!

    I'm proud to announce that the efforts of many people has finally taken flight and is up and running! Stop by and check us out!
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    AUGH! Timeout errors!

    Dude! You rock! :)) 8) It's all setup! I sent out an email to all current users reminding them to update their bookmarks! is online!
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    IDE for PHP?

    My current pick is Maguma.... You can get to it through my site at:
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    AUGH! Timeout errors!

    in a partially unrelated matter, Yash, do I want to "Add Domain" or "Add Domain Alias"...... I don't want to do this wrong and screw it all up.... :P
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    AUGH! Timeout errors!

    it's the whole site.... not jsut any one page in particular. At the same time it seems to come and go. If it's any consolation (and it's probably not), the same time that developerkb goes "out" I can't get to jodohost either.... 8o
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    AUGH! Timeout errors!

    Ever since sometime late yesterday, I have been getting a lot of timeout errors while trying to get around my site. 1) Could it be the web part or 2)Could it be the MySQLServer? The site is heavily dependent on the MySQL database, so I could see how that's the problem.
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    I'm having a bit of a problem with my builtin phpMyAdmin for my MySQL database. When I click on the link from the CP, it takes me the the DB management for a database named "test"? I cannot figure out how to get it to look at the proper database.