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    Control panel database maintenance - Starting Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 5:30 AM EST

    We will be performing maintenance of Hsphere control panel system database on Sunday, March 30 , 2008 at 5:30 AM EST. Control panel service will not be available during this period. The maintenance can take upto 3 hours to complete. Purpose of this maintenance is to resolve intermittent...
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    your ticket was set to wrong status that's why it was not visible in our desk.We are checking it now and will reply you shorlty.
  3. D

    Cluster1 - New server added - web12

    We have added a new Linux webserver to cluster1(cp.m**** Server name : web12 Operating System: CentOS 5 Hardware configuration: AMD 2.3Ghz Dual Core 4GB RAM 320GB SATA II RAID1 PHP Version - 5.2.5 Resellers are requested to add listed server(s) as a Server Alias by: 1) Logging into...
  4. D

    Cluster2 - New server added - web2

    We have added a new Linux webserver to cluster2(cp.g**** Server name : web2 Operating System: CentOS 5 Hardware configuration: AMD 2.3Ghz Dual Core 4GB RAM 320GB SATA II RAID1 PHP Version - 5.2.5 Resellers are requested to add listed server(s) as a Server Alias by: 1) Logging into...
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    Cluster2 - New server added - Mail2

    We added a new mail server to cluster2(cp.g**** Operating system: CentOS 5 Services: Mail Hardware configuration: Intel Dual core 1.8Ghz 4GB DDR RAM SATA-II raid10 Array, available capacity - 440GB Resellers are requested to add Mail2 to their server aliases list by: 1) Logging into...
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    Support System Down and Database Access Error

    It's been corrected, please try to submit ticket now.
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    Whole website / Complete Folder Missing

    We will get back to you via ticket with in 15 mins from now.
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    email quota

    It's very simple. You can signup for a reseller account and send a ticket for moving your shared account under your new reseller account.It doesn't need you to setup domains/mails again and there will not be any downtime for your web/mails in this move.
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    email quota

    You have a shared account and this is not possible to change default mail box quota. you need to do it for individual mail box.
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    Linux VPS ?

    Yes, you can create it under your reseller account.It is not going to cost anything extra as long as your vps uses resources under your LiteHost plan limits.
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    Email problems

    I've replied your ticket, kindly check that.
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    On windows you can use GD library.
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    Instaling Drupal on Windows

    We have replied your ticket, please try to install Drupal now.
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    Instaling Drupal on Windows

    You can create a ticket mentioning your domain name and we will provide you with a custom php.ini .
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    MSSQL Manager

    Kindly once create a ticket and we will check it.
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    We have installed required perl package, If you still see any issue, please update us via ticket.
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    Languages in CP

    Yes, Portuguese(Brazil) is available.
  18. D

    mail3 quick maintenance

    It's done. mail services are back.