Search results

  1. D

    CL2-mail1 not responding

    Server is up and mail services are back.
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    CL2-mail1 not responding

    It was a mounted network drive which caused this, we had to reboot the server to fix it.
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    CL2-mail1 not responding

    cl2-mail1 is not responding at the moment, we are looking in to this.
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    Control panel database routine maintenance - Starting November 1, 2007 at 1:00 AM EDT

    Re: Control panel database routine maintenance - Starting November 1, 2007 at 1:00 AM Control Panel maintenance finished a few mins back. CP is up again and running fine.
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    Control panel database routine maintenance - Starting November 1, 2007 at 1:00 AM EDT

    Re: Control panel database routine maintenance - Starting November 1, 2007 at 1:00 AM Control panel has been stopped for maintenance.
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    Control panel database routine maintenance - Starting November 1, 2007 at 1:00 AM EDT

    Re: Control panel database routine maintenance - Starting November 1, 2007 at 1:00 AM We will start this maintenance in 5 mins from now.
  7. D

    web9 under DDOS attack

    We were able to control it and now server is back to normal. All websites are functioning well but still we are watching this server closely.
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    Unix-2 Emgergency Maintenance at 3:45 am

    I just shut down the server and stephen is working on it.
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    Unix-2 Emgergency Maintenance at 3:45 am

    We are going to perform some urgent maintenance on unix2 at 3:45 am today, this will take around 15 mins. Server will be down during this as we will change CPU.
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    Cluster1 Hsphere Upgrades Discussion thread

    I don't see your ticket yet, but can you please try to access phpmyadmin now.
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    Cluster1 Hsphere Upgrades Discussion thread

    JCat, please open a ticket with your database details so that we can check it.
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    Unix2 (web/mysql) not responding

    We are investigating it further, We have identified some processes which we are monitoring closely but we can not claim if it was an abuse from a client yet.
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    Cluster1 Hsphere Upgrades Discussion thread

    Support has already replied your ticket, please update that if needed.
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    Mail sent from script not delivered to some addresses

    Please open a ticket with script url and we will look in to this.
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    Mail4 urgent maintenance

    maintenance finished and mail services are back again .
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    Mail4 urgent maintenance

    Mail servcies on mail4 has been stopped for some urgent maintenance.
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    Cluster1 Hsphere Upgrade Detailed Notes

    control panel is stopped for upgrade.
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    Linux reboots during Hsphere Upgrade

    mail 6 and mail 7 rebooted and up again.
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    Linux reboots during Hsphere Upgrade

    mail4 and mail5 rebooted and up again . Rebooting mail6 and mail7 now.
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    Linux reboots during Hsphere Upgrade

    mail1 and mail3 rebooted and up again . Rebooting mail4 and mail5.