Search results

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    IIS slow on win13 - resolved

    Re: IIS slow on win13 IIs just stopped responding, We issued command to kill all IIS processes.
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    IIS slow on win13 - resolved

    IIS is responding slow on win13, our windows admin is looking in to this.
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    Mail6 inaccessible - resolved

    Re: Mail6 inaccessible One of the Drives went offline and we needed to reboot the server to fix this. Mail6 is up now.
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    Mail6 inaccessible - resolved

    Currently Mail6 is not accessible, we are having it on KVM to diagnose the issue.
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    Mail5 stopped for quick maintenance - complete

    Re: Mail5 stopped for quick maintenance We started mail services on mail5 again.
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    Mail5 stopped for quick maintenance - complete

    We stopped mail services on mail5 for a quick maintenance.
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    Oracle Server Reboot

    Oracle Server is up again.
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    Oracle Server Reboot

    We rebooted the server.
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    Oracle Server Reboot

    We will be rebooting oracle server in 15 mins from now.
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    Web9 responding slow - resolved

    Re: Web9 responding slow Web9 is back to normal now.
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    Web9 responding slow - resolved

    Re: Web9 responding slow we are suspending 9 accounts under a resellers that are created by possibly some chinese hacker due to reseller not setting up plan controls correctly.
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    Web9 responding slow - resolved

    Web9 is responding slow at the moment.We found one user badly abusing the server, we have almost restricted him. We also found other client downloading torrents which was eating a lots of system resources. We have taken care of both issues but still having a close watch on the server.
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    Quick Maintenance on Mail4

    It was finished a while back.
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    Quick Maintenance on Mail4

    We stopped smtp service on mail4 to performing a quick maintenance on it.
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    web6 inaccessible - resolved

    Re: web6 inaccessible We had to reboot the server as there was a kernel panic. We are further investigating logs.
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    web6 inaccessible - resolved

    Web6 is not accessible at the moment, we are looking in to this.
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    web7 is slow

    Currently Web7 is running slow, we are looking in to it.
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    smtp on Localhost web5 appears to be not functioning

    We have replied your ticket, please check that.
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    DSPAM enabled for mail1

    Now mail1 is also using DSPAM.
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    Mail servers are timing out

    please check this link