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  1. D

    Incidenter application

    armisteadllc.g********.com Incidenter is a online incident tracking system. I'd like to sell it like iEmployee sells it's service, as a membership service. Possibly, I'd consider installing custom versions on corporate servers or sell limited rights with source code for companies that needed...
  2. D

    Mysql OUTFILE- need to change user rights

    This is probably an easy one, but I'm stumped just the same.?( I have a SQL statement that is going out to a delimited file via OUTFILE. I get an error, and below is what MySQL's site says: "If you are able to connect to the MySQL server, but get an Access denied message whenever you...
  3. D

    MySql as Security Provider- local ok, not server

    All good now- everything is working, and I've learned a thing or two about C# DLLs!:D Thanks, Steve!
  4. D

    MySql as Security Provider- local ok, not server

    Still not working, not trying to get a free C# class out of this :rolleyes: , just want to get this site running. Here's my AssemblyInfo.cs: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Security; [assembly...
  5. D

    MySql as Security Provider- local ok, not server

    I'm not a C programmer, so I have to ask: Where do I add this [assembly:AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]? Do I need to create an AssemblyInfo.cs? I've looked over the web and played around with placing it in Login.vb, the two C# modules, wherever, no luck so far. Thanks, DAB
  6. D

    MySql as Security Provider- local ok, not server

    I have built my security configuration to use MySQL for users, roles, etc. I have downloaded the code found at: The whole things works like a charm locally (of course) but not on your server. I get the error below...
  7. D

    control panel: website declined to show this webpage

    Thanks. I think I blew them away accidentally via FTP. I just need a reset back to status quo re 10am EST. I got the ticket in. Thanks again.
  8. D

    control panel: website declined to show this webpage

    I try to login to armisteadllc.g********.com- I get this: The website declined to show this webpage Says I need to be logged in , of course if I can't get to the login... Can't even submit a ticket in this condition. Can anybody help?X(
  9. D

    Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider.

    It works! Thanks! I will report this to support. DAB:)
  10. D

    Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider.

    I searched around some more and found:,145720,163180#msg-163180 Is it a trust issue? Reggie recommended adding the code below either to web.config or machine.config...
  11. D

    Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider.

    My providerName seems ok, no typo there. Thanks. Anybody used .NET Connector before? Maybe comparison of a working app with my setup would be helpful.
  12. D

    Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider.

    I sent in a ticket, but they are still working on it, so I thought I'd put it out before the community. I am using .NET with (Mysql .NET Connector in the /bin directory. Still, I get this when my app tries to retrieve info: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework...