Search results

  1. P

    sq e-mail

    filters :)) Found a nifty filter program at: called spam buster. it is free (with minor banner ads) or 19.95 with no banners it does (either way) a "yoeman" job. phil
  2. P

    sq e-mail

    thanx much
  3. P

    sq e-mail

    Sq a royal pain in the....... would gladly pay a little more for some decent FILTERS.... Puhleeeeze !
  4. P

    Mass Graves

    il duce ? "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power." That's from Benito Mussolini.
  5. P

    jessica lynch rescue faked

    Prov 30:12-14 12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. 13 There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up. 14 There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to...
  6. P


    would gladly pay $1 /mo more to get a decent online email program.... sq is really CRUDE phil
  7. P

    SARS...what they admit

    Eccl 9:3-4 3 This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead. 4 For to him that is joined to all the living...
  8. P

    Happy Birthay Mike

    happy un-birthday ! :))
  9. P

    Just to say hello

    ever hear of the knights of St.Michael of Jerusalem ?
  10. P

    Webalizer anti-american?

    ah...ron, what does american foreign policy have to do with software stats ?
  11. P

    Webalizer anti-american?

    hi pete; 1.webalizer is a common webstats package that is a gnu public licensed (almost public domain) utility. as such it does a very adequate job. on one side you have the microsoft "robber barrons" (enron, big oil, military industrial, HMO's, loral, etc.) on the "other" side you have the...
  12. P

    SARS...what they admit the above is based on who stats; how real ??????
  13. P

    SARS: Bio Weapon??

    my point is that the stories and minimalist claims just don't make (common OR scientific) sense at all. ?( also i heard (one time only) on cnn(?) that some "cured" patients are experiencing relapses with fatal consequences. i cannot separate rumor from fact from outright lies but the...
  14. P

    html and sqwebmail

    :)) thanks .... you guys are really 8)
  15. P

    html and sqwebmail

    how come some html emails appear as a series of clickable links and others display as actual html ? thanx
  16. P

    Long War, so what?

    media carrion feeders yes... idiots no
  17. P

    Happy birthday Phill!

    birthday scc as well (super cool curmudgeon)! 8) just 1 L in my case
  18. P

    Why no UN??

    kofee got his $2 billion (un oil for food) and the iraqis got a real slick soccer stadium in exchange (all the better to watch the executions in. ) i've just watched the un oil for food monitor being interviewed. that arrogant piece of excrement refused to open the program's books to independant...
  19. P

    North Korea

    things are so groovy in nk that folks are fleeing to red china for refuge. what they should do, if they can get the auto and shoe factories guaranteed, is to give sk to nk in exchange for their nukes..... seems that's what the rioting sk students want. ;) GET THE U.S. OUT OF THE U.N. & THE...
  20. P

    North Korea

    anyone ever hear of pohl pot ? X( he was influenced by darwin, malthus and satan.