If you have any issue, we'd be happy to address it. But please open threads with substance.

We tolerate and accept alot of criticism on this forum because it does help us improve our services. But if you have some criticism, substantiate it
i just started using my account today, i am starting moving domains to JodoHost, I've support tickets opened now for more than 1.5 hours, I'm not complaining but you know when you are moving your accounts and your sites are down, you need things to go light fast, and your clients get calm.
You haven't mentioned the ticket ID.
Also, we have mentioned again and again, if there is any urgency please contact us on live-chat.
I am just new here :)
I though live chat is only for sales, not support.

can i've live chat contacts please.

RS #GHY-37085-279
RS #AIL-20346-544
RS #JMR-93011-264

about 1? hours ago

again I'm not complaining ;)
We offer 24x7 support via Live Chat. Although we do emphasize that unless the issue is urgent, a ticket is the best option