"Arguments are of the wrong type" in WWG forum - on and off


[posted here as recommended by support]

Hi all

i am using the latest version on SQL.

today, for the 2nd time, i am suddenly getting the following error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/lishka/functions/functions_date_time_format.asp, line 82​

its important to stress, that i have not made ANY changes in the coding or DB at all in this time.

last time it happened, the host (jodo) was kind enough to restore a DB from a few hrs back and it seemed to solve the issue, whatever it may have been.

today, it happened again, and stephen isnt in to help out like last time, so it may be a little longer.... anyway... i want to get to the root issue.

anyone got any idea what this could be?

line 82 is marked:

'Craete a recordset to get the date and time format data
Set rsDateTimeFormat = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'Initalise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database
If strDatabaseType = "SQLServer" Then
strSQL = "EXECUTE " & strDbProc & "TimeAndDateSettings"
strSQL = "SELECT " & strDbTable & "DateTimeFormat.* FROM " & strDbTable & "DateTimeFormat;"
End If

'Query the database
'***NEXT LINE IS 82****
rsDateTimeFormat.Open strSQL, adoCon

'If there are records returned then enter the data returned into an array
If NOT rsDateTimeFormat.EOF Then

'Redimension the array
'This is done as a dynamic array oterwise it can't be filled by the application array next time around
ReDim saryDateTimeData(17)


here's another weird thing about it: a few minutes later, it all came back, and was fine - without me or the host changing anything - AT ALL.

i looked up the error, and it seems it may have something to do with a session issue, and support made a similar comment, but they couldnt check it out properly, because it started working again. see here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q197323

this is on Win6, by the way, on Jodo. i have spoken to some of the support folks, different one each of the 3 times, and the problem, that lasts for a few minutes, seems to go away before they (except for Stephen) had a chance to look at it properly.

any ideas?
all comments welcome!

Snooper, I will take a look at this when I get a chance, I am still in the middle of a move that is getting drug out much longer than I ever planned.