I have three classic ASP sites on Win33. Ever since the recent upgrade, they have up and down like a frog on a pogo stick.
Fig.1 Frog on pogo stick.
This is becoming a real concern, and I've asked for Stephen's help directly about it. There are two issues here:
1. Every few hours it seems, something about the sites' settings get reset, and they go down. All I get is "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred." This has been fixed several times in the past 4 days, and keeps re-occurring.
2. The sites require error handling for 404 and 405 in order to function properly. Prior to the upgrade, I was able to control this in the CP ("error documents" settings) and all was fine. Now, however, the CP throws an error when I try to create those error documents, and I cannot even control it in Web.config, as putting a <httpErrors> section in there causes another error.
The list of tickets trying to address these issues is a long one:
1. Upgrade of Win33 caused site error (ABT-59630-971).
2. Trying to add 404 & 405 handlers in CP and web.config (GMP-47067-205) - 12 hours on that ticket.
3. Requested support set up 404 & 405 handling themselves (HPX-60012-809).
4. Site went down again a day later (PQX-61917-425).
5. Site down again when I requested detailed ASP errors to be enabled (LMU-50888-430)
6. ALL sites down again right now (GRY-31001-154, HSX-48817-837 and HSX-13833-912)
I simply don't know what to do from here. ASP sites seem completely unstable on Win33, and these clients are not very happy, as this has been going on for days now.
Please investigate with Stephen and let me know if the sites should be moved, and why I can no longer control the error document settings from the CP, or at least within web.config in integrated mode?
Many thanks for your help,

This is becoming a real concern, and I've asked for Stephen's help directly about it. There are two issues here:
1. Every few hours it seems, something about the sites' settings get reset, and they go down. All I get is "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred." This has been fixed several times in the past 4 days, and keeps re-occurring.
2. The sites require error handling for 404 and 405 in order to function properly. Prior to the upgrade, I was able to control this in the CP ("error documents" settings) and all was fine. Now, however, the CP throws an error when I try to create those error documents, and I cannot even control it in Web.config, as putting a <httpErrors> section in there causes another error.
The list of tickets trying to address these issues is a long one:
1. Upgrade of Win33 caused site error (ABT-59630-971).
2. Trying to add 404 & 405 handlers in CP and web.config (GMP-47067-205) - 12 hours on that ticket.
3. Requested support set up 404 & 405 handling themselves (HPX-60012-809).
4. Site went down again a day later (PQX-61917-425).
5. Site down again when I requested detailed ASP errors to be enabled (LMU-50888-430)
6. ALL sites down again right now (GRY-31001-154, HSX-48817-837 and HSX-13833-912)
I simply don't know what to do from here. ASP sites seem completely unstable on Win33, and these clients are not very happy, as this has been going on for days now.
Please investigate with Stephen and let me know if the sites should be moved, and why I can no longer control the error document settings from the CP, or at least within web.config in integrated mode?
Many thanks for your help,