Bluedragon VPS accounts

Has Jodohost considered offering VPS accounts with Bluedragon? This would allow ColdFusion developers to have their own VPS (virtual private server) on the rock-solid Linux servers. It would also provide a middle ground for those of us who want more than a shared server provides, but less than a true dedicated server.

I currently have a low-cost, VPS/Bluedragon account with another host, but wouldn't mind moving things over here at Jodohost if this became an option.
That's interesting.

We have some plans for expanding our VPS services, I'll keep this in mind.

But how does BlueDragin CFM compare to macromedia CFM?
There are a few minor differences, but personally I haven't found anything where I had to make changes to my code. The few tags that are not available are not widely used, from what I understand. There is also supposed to be some advantages with Bluedragon, something to do wiith J2EE and .Net capabilities that are way beyond my skill level!

Here's link to their website that clearly points out tag differences:

To be able to have the dependability of Linux with the ease of use and scalability of ColdFusion, it is well worth considering.
Newlanta has a highly attractive program for hosters that we have actually looked into recently. We didn't get very serious because cfmx7 just came out and the costs associated with the upgrade were taken into consideration.
Yes, that's understandable. And I would think the new CFMX for your shared and reseller accounts is a bigger priority, however I think providing an affordable, Linux/CFM(BlueDragon) option for VPS acounts would be a close second. New Atlanta lists the hosts that offer and use Bluedragon, and there are only one or two that make it affordable. I think with Jodohost's reputation and ability to keep prices reasonable, you could become a major player in the Bluedragon hosting area.
We are actually thinking to convert from HSphere VPS to Virtuozzo VPS (we should be signing a NOC-level agreement with them soon).

That would give us access to both their Windows and Linux VPS software. We do have some plans for that. BlueDragon could be an exciting option to add to both Windows and Linux VPS plans.