Cluster Change and Moving Customers



I'm with Jodohost for a long time (my first customership was I think around 2002-2003) and I'm happy with all services but I want to make a fresh start to my reseller account , therefore I wish to create a new reseller account on Cluster2 . ( I have some spare domain names and will use one of them as the service domain of my new account , then plan to build up things on the new account step by step )

Non of my (so-called) customers are paid , so I will not have any billing issues and/or service downtime arguments from customer side . I mainly use my reseller account for my projects and host some friend sites (mainly related to aviation / virtual aviation) .

Most of the sites I host use Joomla and/or MySQL databases , some of them directly user/customer controlled and I do not have any control on them (I log-in via my reseller master account if they need help) .

Now I'm in the process of cleaning the plans , deleting non used and emtpy db's , removing non-used customer accounts etc.

Then I will start backing up user/customer uploaded site data but have some thoughts on this move , I can download files via FTP but how can I make DB backups of forums and/or Joomla sites .

In the past I worked as an IT guy , I was familiar with MsSQL DB's (mostly SQL2000) and as may you have know if you stop the services you can completely backup a db as files (db and the log) , is this possible with MySQL ...

Any suggestions / tricks / need to knows about moving to cluster2 and backup process will be great .

( And if I can get a direct support from Jodo Server side I think it will be fantastic )

Thanks for the replies ...

PS : As expected I'm not a pro on MySQL , but you can think me as an advanced user with an IT background of 15 years ;)
You can ask us for backups of the SQL DBs, and we can provide the backups, if you have the accounts in place and new blank DBs made you can even just ask for it to be restored and moved to the new.

you've done a very good job here of explaining what you are wanting to do, and may be of interest, and explanation to staff to just link the thread here so they know what is happening and being done here.

you can also use webshell to make backup archives and move them a bit faster all compressed. We can also zip or RAR the domains contents folder for you and make available for download. This also achieves and serves as a good backup for you to keep and store as well, backups are always good :)
Thanks for the quick and positive reply Stephen ...

I tried webshell's archive feature but it gaved errors , so I decided to use FTP instead (but it is slower then compressed transfers)

Offering zip/rar backup of domains is great (maybe I can use this for 2 or 3 domains) , also I will inform you via ticket system for the database backup/move process 'cause I have a full running Joomla site ( and wondering about it's contents .

Hope to finish the clean-up process today , maybe I can request more help via tickets tomorrow ...

Best wishes
Hi again ,

I send the request from Ticket system , you can find the text of ticket below ;


In reference to the linked subject we talked with Stephen ;

Would you please make backups of the following folders and MySQL databases so I can download them before cluster change ...

*** Folders For Zip Backup ;

XXXX ( user : XXXX , server : Win21 )
XXXXX ( user : XXXXX , server : Win21 )
XXXXX ( user : XXXXX , server : Win30 )
XXXX ( user : XXXXX , server : Web11 )

*** MySQL Databases For Backup ;

XXXXXX ( user :XXXXX , server : MySQL7 )
XXXXXXX ( user :XXXXX , server : MySQL5 )
XXXXX ( user :XXXXX , server : MySQL8 )
XXXX( user : XXXXX , server : MySQL8 )
XXXX ( user : XXXX , server : MySQL8 )


I deleted all non required accounts and databases from my current reseller account and now signing up for a new (cluster2) reseller account.

After your help for files, I will download them and re-upload to the new servers with new customer/user account details.

Best wishes
Hi again , just a result report for topic followers and/or possible cluster change thinkers ;

With helps of the support team I reached the end of cluster change process :) Now the only database using partly complex site waiting for move is my old service domain ... The process was simple but time consuming , rest is working well right now .

Currently I'm thinking about Php 5.3.1 and upper support for one or two accounts but learned that it is not possible under HSphere right now , the offer was to switch to Plesk on Windows but I need to search and read its features , differences etc. before asking Helpdesk to arrange things ...

I read the forum about this matter but it is not clear I think , there are no possible due dates or clues . If it will be available on HSphere soon I will not go for Plesk .

So do we have any plans for hsphere php improvement soon , or it is just an item on "maybe to-do lists" ?

Best wishes
Hi ,

Latest sitrep : Transfer process is complete , no errors occured and no problems faced . All required customer sites are now running on Cluster2 including my old service domain (as a normal website)

Now we are ready to delete the old reseller account on Cluster 1 :) [ Ticket sent about delete request ]

Thanks Stephen and thanks to all HelpDesk Staff ...

Best wishes