Custom denied message


I have a list as long as my arm of IP's I deny from there a custom message I can set up for this?

No denied gives a 403 forbidden and doesn't have a custom message for that function
Thank you Stephen.......I was gonna add a message to the effect that if they are denied and are a good person they can EMail me.....oh well........z
Thanks Tanmaya!........I figured it out earlier......I set up a 404NotFound page on another one of my websites..........SO, if I'm denying a legitimate person, they have a chance to send me an EMail.....btw, I'm denying entire Countries Romania, Russia, China......etc........z
It may be worth checking, I thought this was one of the sub messages that did not allow in the current version, but I'd love to be wrong :)

Tell you what even if it doesn't work in the 403.xx level message, you get it set there and I will also clone that setting to the others, just send me a PM(start a conversation is the new name) with the domain if you need me to do this and we'll get it applied there as well. It won't survive changes made later in hsphere, but will work until such time.
It may be worth checking, I thought this was one of the sub messages that did not allow in the current version, but I'd love to be wrong :)

Tell you what even if it doesn't work in the 403.xx level message, you get it set there and I will also clone that setting to the others, just send me a PM(start a conversation is the new name) with the domain if you need me to do this and we'll get it applied there as well. It won't survive changes made later in hsphere, but will work until such time.

Not quite understanding what you're saying Stephen........I tested it on one of my domains......and set up a redirect page on another domain...which pretends to be a 404 page...........which has a link to a contact form in it......That way if somebody legitimate is denied, and they really want to visit my site, they can send me an EMail and I'll let them in........z